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Everything posted by soupnazi

  1. Has anyone heard anything from Columbia yet (interviews, decisions, etc.)? No news for me–I applied for the sociocultural track.
  2. For anyone who might be interested, I was notified by the department that decisions for UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies will be sent out next week.
  3. Thank you! I was feeling very casual about it for a while, but now I'm beginning to feel some nerves. Of course, they're not manifesting in a productive way; instead, I'm fixating on wardrobe choices. So, that's cool. As far as I know, the decisions are not yet made, but "finalists" have been invited for this recruitment visit/interview thing. Honestly, I was nervous that I might get a rejection right before this recruitment visit and that it would impact my confidence. So, I suppose it's a good thing that I have no news as of yet.
  4. Same! Or refreshing the results page. Also, congrats on your UCI acceptance! I have my interview tomorrow.
  5. Are any of ya'll currently enrolled somewhere? I'm an undergraduate (at UCLA), and I'm finding it SO hard to focus, waiting for these results--especially those coming from UCLA Gender Studies!
  6. I applied to Berkeley, UCSD, and UCR's Ethnic Studies PhD programs - no word yet! Fingers crossed.
  7. I suppose that's true! I think I'm just more anxious because UC Irvine invited me for an interview and recruitment day only a week and a half after I submitted my application. I applied to 7 in total, and I'm beginning to regret it because I now have to agonize over receiving each decision! Have you thought about what you'll wear for your interview? I had an outfit in mind, but I have to attend 3 days of events during my recruitment visit. ?
  8. Also, I'm curious what type of phone number called you--I received two calls from an 800 number, but assumed it was spam. Thankfully, I've at least got an interview scheduled somewhere.
  9. Congratulations! Also curious which school ya heard from. I only applied to one GS PhD program (UCLA), but no word yet. However, I'm cautiously optimistic about my odds as my POI warned that the committee tends to prefer a "diverse" cohort in terms of education history.
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