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Posts posted by MFALongshot

  1. 59 minutes ago, Ydrl said:

    Time for a triple post because anxiety is compelling me to babble. Is 5 pm (in their time) generally the time that Iowa stops calling people? Or are there exceptions to the rule? Do we even know the answer?


    47 minutes ago, rbr542 said:

    Take some time off from devices and try to relax, unwind...if they call, they call. I got the call around 9 pm eastern fyi.

    Ydrl it's ok to triple post...We're here for you.

    Also thanks rbr for sharing that info. I also appreciate you sharing that that was your third try. Your perseverance is admirable.

  2. 2 hours ago, Brother Panda said:

    Definitely “Game” (a more serious one), “The School”, and “The Balloon”!!

    Thanks I'll probably read them tonight. The one I read was "Me and Miss Mandible." Pretty odd but interesting nonetheless.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Brother Panda said:

    My productivity has been a little low as well. I just started doing workshops with my high school creative writing class though, which has been really fun! We also read some cool stuff last week—“Library of Babel” by Borges and “Game” by Barthelme. Fun stuff to keep me motivated!

    I've only read one story by Barthelme but really considering buying a collection. Are there any stories of his you would recommend before buying to get a better feel for his work?

  4. 1 hour ago, anarchisttiger said:

    I was about to ask the same. I think historically they notify over the course of a week. My understanding is that they are behind schedule this year and just began yesterday, so we may have a few more days of hope left.

    But I want to sob into a chocolate cake due to my pessimism.

    I saw at least 7 people get accepted on Draft already. Gl everyone.

    Edit: Yesterday was only round 1 of notifications though. So there is still hope.

    Second Edit: I believe they were all for fiction.

  5. 34 minutes ago, rbr542 said:

    My phone rang with Iowa City code. It was Samantha Chang. I'm in for fiction with GTA funding. I don't remember what I said, something like thank you...??? ? Third try. I'm not sure if this is a dream btw. 

    Congrats! We'll be rooting for you!

  6. 9 minutes ago, anarchisttiger said:

    I actually worked here in Georgia. The industry is big down here – Stranger Things is shot here, Black Panther, Thor, Insatiable, list goes on! 

    edit: it wasn’t working a lot that bothered me – it was everyone else’s attitude around working so much (very much a dick contest), the egos at play, and the way men treated me on set. 

    Ahh now I get it. That's very different than what I thought you meant. That really sucks. Would you ever consider still working on films if it's something small with people you know (and like)?

    Also I didn't know the industry was that big in Georgia.

  7. 7 hours ago, Karakoram said:

    @MFALongshot: I always want to do films as well. *hi-5*


    6 hours ago, anarchisttiger said:

    I used to work in the film industry – prepare yourselves for a brutal workaholic culture. Also prepare for starting at the bottom no matter what, basically. Not trying to dissuade you, just information I wish I’d had some years ago. Best advice is to be early and be kind to everyone! 

    That's awesome that you worked in film. I don't think I'd mind the workaholic culture but who knows. I've only worked on a couple small projects. Were you working out in Cali or something?



  8. 1 hour ago, catkin said:

    Hello all!

    I'm a first-time poetry MFA applicant waiting on news from Iowa, Anyone have an idea when we'll be hearing from these schools? I take it a lot of you have applied to many of the same schools I have. Best of luck!

    Iowa (IWW) is probably late this month into march. You can always check when people were accepted in previous years through the results search. It sort of gives a good idea. Also, welcome.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Ydrl said:

    Question for everyone. Did you all know what you wanted to write before you applied (I specifically mean poetry versus nonfiction versus fiction)? I got very discouraged while writing fiction (my once lifelong passion) so I switched to poetry. I think that may have been a mistake.

    Also if you love fiction, don't be afraid to go back and write some. I've heard of famous authors reading poetry before writing fiction.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Ydrl said:

    Question for everyone. Did you all know what you wanted to write before you applied (I specifically mean poetry versus nonfiction versus fiction)? I got very discouraged while writing fiction (my once lifelong passion) so I switched to poetry. I think that may have been a mistake.

    I absolutely love reading poetry, even write my own, but never dared to apply as a poet because, as stated earlier, I don't feel like I understand it sufficiently (I've never taken a class on poetry etc.). I did consider a cross-disciplinary program but never applied to one. Besides all that, what I really want to do is fiction and hopefully, one day, make films. So, fiction was my only option.

    Edit: I've never actually taken a fiction writing workshop either so...

  11. 3 hours ago, Dochinka96 said:

    Hey folx, I just saw a Boise State Poetry Waitlist get posted. 

    I applied for fiction...getting nervous. 

    Seems early, and isn’t it a bit odd to send waitlists before acceptances? I was certain we would see acceptances/interviews first. 

    I saw that as well. Seemed weird to me too

  12. 2 hours ago, Seraphina16 said:

    Hey, y'all. Fiction applicant and lurker-turned-commenter here. Just wanted to say that this forum has provided some much-needed camaraderie during this intense waiting period. I've decided to take a break from Draft for the time being, since I like the atmosphere a lot more over here! So, hi. :)

    Also, don't know if any of you have heard Phase II notifications have gone out for Ole Miss. The ones I've seen have just been poetry, though. Think they're waiting to release fiction? And omg that random Boise State waitlist has me nervous too.

    Welcome. Let's hope they're waiting to send out fiction. If not, I didn't make it lol

  13. 2 hours ago, feralgrad said:

    Honestly, I've had almost no inspiration to write since I submitted my apps. I'm generally in the "just write anyway" camp when I have writer's block, but currently I'm trying to take it easy. I've been drawing a lot instead, so I still have a creative/emotional outlet. If you have other creative hobbies, maybe you can lean on those.

    I'd like to see your work if possible. I draw as well. Also trying to learn music production.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Ydrl said:

    Hi I’ve come back. Life circumstances are wearing me down and the thought of waiting another year to reapply while dealing with the same issues makes me want to rip out all my hair strand by strand. I desperately need good news from anywhere at this point.

    Sorry to hear about the life circumstances. I can relate. Be strong. There are 5 more opportunities. And even after that, you never know what life holds. I'm pretty sure some poetry candidates here wouldn't mind reading your work and giving feedback if that'd help in some way. If not, forget I mentioned it. No matter what, I and many others are cheering you on.

  15. 2 hours ago, litty said:

    Hehe, wanted to give you a hard time, but check out some manga or anime ecchi (if you’re bold, check out some hentai — NSFW).

    not sure what you have access to, but there’s a US tv show, Bull. This past week it aired an episode, S04E13, child of mine. It was absolutely the best piece of tv writing I’ve seen in years: sharp, timely, complex. Hits the intersection of race, class, and technology in a retelling of the biblical Judgement of Solomon in very fresh and surprising way. I was shocked at how good an episode it was. I’m really stanning the episode writer, Marissa Matteo. Ridiculously talented. Watch it and you’ll understand how amazing her accomplishment for a platform not known for originality. 

    I have access to that show so I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

  16. 50 minutes ago, litty said:

    Ha, very random, very vague :) what type of films are you talking about? Snuff? Rom Com? Animated porn films with narrative arcs? Which types of films do you enjoy? ?


    Really I asked because I was rewatching the squid and the whale and thought it had fantastic writing. Also some of the main characters are writers.

    However, personally, I watch all types of films. I must admit though, I've never seen animated porn with narrative arcs.

  17. 3 hours ago, anarchisttiger said:

    I'm searching my inner peace garden for this week. I've waited this long already (as have we all), so why is the reality of waiting another one or two weeks feeling so impossible? Going into this process, I believed I would be devastated if I was rejected from all of the programs to which I applied. Now I'm not so sure. It is just school, after all. 


    3 hours ago, rbr542 said:

    It's been the same with me. I submitted all my apps in early December and yet this week's been the hardest. Now I kind of don't care tbh. Gave it my best possible shot, the results are not within my control.

    Zen friends.

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