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Everything posted by aco2

  1. Hey folks, just thought I would open this up, as the deadline for the US round is next week and it seems about time we had a forum to discuss application experiences. This is for entry to Cambridge Fall 2021.
  2. I was also rejected everywhere this year, but I hear it's very common for the first time you apply. On to the next application season, I suppose.
  3. This is my first round of applications, but I have also been rejected everywhere. I've given myself a couple of days to mope, but now it's time (for me at least) to climb out of the cauldron of boiling self-loathing and remember that I am good at history, it's just that everyone else is good too! Time to rework the application materials for next year, and as hard as it is, I will apply as many times as required/ they let me in order to pursue a PhD! The field needs us! Don't give up!
  4. Congrats, that's huge!!
  5. Are any of the people on here the Stanford acceptances? And if so, what are your fields/ POIs?
  6. Congratulations! Is JHU your first choice program?
  7. Who is your POI and what's your area of interest?
  8. Was anyone here the Hopkins History of Medicine admit? If so, who was the POI, and what did they tell you in the call?
  9. I cannot imagine that emailing anyone in your department will make a lick of difference in either direction. If acceptances and rejections from his department are already going out it seems quite likely that their decisions have largely been made and they are now in the notification stage. You may just have to wait it out.
  10. This is what I do too! My family is confused and keep saying "Well I'm sure you'll get in somewhere," and I'm just trying to ignore them and stay calm.
  11. It was taking them some time to update received documents shortly after the application deadline, but it should look complete by this point. It's worth reaching out to someone in the department, perhaps, to determine if you genuinely have something missing.
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