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  1. Upvote
    Strategos got a reaction from time_consume_me in 2020 application thread   
    I just spoke to one of my POIs at NYU, and he told me that they're planning to take in a cohort of nine new students this year for the history department (down from their usual ten because they had a higher yield than expected last year). Apparently, four offers have already been sent to modern Europeanists, including me, and there may still be a fifth going out sometime soon. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the other fields, but I hope that people find this information useful!
  2. Upvote
    Strategos got a reaction from jocelynbymarcjacobs in 2020 application thread   
    I just spoke to one of my POIs at NYU, and he told me that they're planning to take in a cohort of nine new students this year for the history department (down from their usual ten because they had a higher yield than expected last year). Apparently, four offers have already been sent to modern Europeanists, including me, and there may still be a fifth going out sometime soon. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the other fields, but I hope that people find this information useful!
  3. Like
    Strategos reacted to aco2 in Rejection Advice   
    This is my first round of applications, but I have also been rejected everywhere. I've given myself a couple of days to mope, but now it's time (for me at least) to climb out of the cauldron of boiling self-loathing and remember that I am good at history, it's just that everyone else is good too! Time to rework the application materials for next year, and as hard as it is, I will apply as many times as required/ they let me in order to pursue a PhD! The field needs us! Don't give up!
  4. Upvote
    Strategos got a reaction from FruitLover in 2020 application thread   
    I just spoke to one of my POIs at NYU, and he told me that they're planning to take in a cohort of nine new students this year for the history department (down from their usual ten because they had a higher yield than expected last year). Apparently, four offers have already been sent to modern Europeanists, including me, and there may still be a fifth going out sometime soon. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the other fields, but I hope that people find this information useful!
  5. Upvote
    Strategos reacted to ashiepoo72 in 2020 application thread   
    Students in the program brought up issues from their perspective, stuff the professors courting me either wouldn't say or wouldn't know about, and most of it came out in informal settings during prospie weekend. Funding packages are all well and good, but they're pretty meaningless when you don't know stuff like cost of living, what happens if you need an extra year, if the department will defer funding in your offer for a year if you get an external fellowship, what sort of support the department/university offers (for me, stuff like child care), if the insurance is just medical or includes dental/vision (maybe less important if you get one offer and it comes with just medical, but I had multiple offers with the full suite).
    What's the department culture like (hard to tell from afar, you get a better sense of it after the prospective student events, usually when current grads take prospies out for beer at the end of the day)? Department tensions (for example, one program seemed to show a lot of preference for a particular field, the students in other fields couldn't hide their resentment. Some programs fully fund some students, only fund others term to term, which can also breed resentment)? How supportive/what are the advising styles of the professors you want on your committees and, importantly, how do the professors you're eyeing work together (need to talk to their grad students, think about what happens if there are specific people you NEED on a committee and they don't get along)? Do you not want to be one of two women in a cohort of 20 (this happened to one of my friends)? If the department offers grants for research/conferences, how do those shake out ("We offer grants each year" can translate to "we offer one grant to one student each year")? Common element: talking to grad students in informal settings. You may be able to achieve this over email/phone, but I didn't get nearly as much information from the grads hand-picked to talk me into attending each university as I did when out to beer with grad students during prospie weekend. Hope this helps!
  6. Like
    Strategos reacted to jocelynbymarcjacobs in 2020 application thread   
    Here’s to hoping everyone receives good news this week!
  7. Like
    Strategos reacted to dr. t in 2020 application thread   
    Yes, it's how they fund their PhD programs ?
  8. Upvote
    Strategos reacted to TMP in Rejection Advice   
    It's hard and devastating to strike out the second time.  I had that experience too.  I definitely went into that dark, dark, dark, dark corner that took a long time to climb out of.  Self-care is incredibly important.  I put everything relating to grad school admissions away for a while and focused on things that I knew would make me happy (volunteering a therapeutic riding center, which of course, had a double benefit of having horses back in my life making me happy and not feeling judged) and working as a camp counselor, where I got work with entering first graders who really challenged me and brought a lot of self-satisfaction in seeing them grow. Then it was back to work in the fall.  I was very fortunate to have landed an internship at a museum, where my colleagues with PhDs offered unbelievable support for me to try again. It was incredibly hard but the level of support was so high that I just couldn't say no. And I'm glad because I did get into two wonderful programs on my third try.
    I don't know what are your field and end goals. You mentioned that you aimed very high, which is fine, but are there potential POIs who are stars but not in tippy top programs that you could hae applied to?
    It is also worth reaching out in March/early April once you have official rejection letters, to find out how your applications were received.  Be specific-- what were the strengths and what could be improved for the next cycle.  You should be able to some feedback. If it seems like you were on spot but there were simply other applicants with better fit, there is nothing you can do expect.... just try again if you want the PhD this badly.
  9. Like
    Strategos reacted to User7654378 in 2020 application thread   
    I am so sorry. I completely understand how you feel though I know that is little comfort. I read a quote that has been keeping me going through this grad school purgatory and that is "what is meant for you will not pass you by." Cheesy but whatever works, right? Sending hugs and good vibes your way. 
  10. Like
    Strategos reacted to time_consume_me in 2020 application thread   
    Wow congrats! What a way to find out... I can't imagine.
  11. Like
    Strategos reacted to historyofsloths in 2020 application thread   
    Congratulations! I can't imagine the rollercoaster you've been on, but that's amazing!
  12. Like
    Strategos got a reaction from time_consume_me in 2020 application thread   
    I was just told informally by my POI that I've been admitted to the NYU history department, after having received an erroneous rejection notice last Tuesday. Best of luck to everyone else!
  13. Like
    Strategos got a reaction from historyofsloths in 2020 application thread   
    I was just told informally by my POI that I've been admitted to the NYU history department, after having received an erroneous rejection notice last Tuesday. Best of luck to everyone else!
  14. Like
    Strategos got a reaction from norellehannah in 2020 application thread   
    I was just told informally by my POI that I've been admitted to the NYU history department, after having received an erroneous rejection notice last Tuesday. Best of luck to everyone else!
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