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  1. I thought it was weird too. Over a month since interviews and absolutely no update. Is it possible they decided to take no students?
  2. This honestly varies for a few different reasons. 1) Does the student have another interview? 2) are they waiting on funding from the program? 3) do they hope to see campus prior to making a decision? I know I personally have held onto an offer because I want to see the campus prior to making a decision. The etiquette is to only hold one offer at a time. So as people get more than one they will begin to chose and release offers. Most/all interviews should be over by Mid March so I would expect to see something around then! Keep your head up!
  3. Anyone else get an email from UHawaii saying your app is just now being forwarded to the department? Seems a little late right?
  4. Just wanted to post an update for UHawaii at Manoa "Thank you for your inquiry. Applicants are generally notified by mid-February to early March if they have been accepted and/or if the faculty would like to schedule an interview. Faculty contact applicants directly. Applicants then have until April 15th to notify the department of their decision to accept or reject admission. If you don't receive an email or call by mid-February to early March, please note that in some cases an applicant may be wait-listed and final notification of acceptance or denial may not occur until early April. Once all selected and, if applicable, waitlisted applicants are offered admission, official notifications of acceptance are sent to the mailing addresses provided in applicant forms. For applicants who are not offered admission, this means there is no official contact from the university until May. That said, please feel free to reach out to this email address if you want to inquire about your application status. I receive the final list of accepted applicants a few weeks before official letters are mailed and am happy to let you know if I have any updates at that time."
  5. Does anyone know what the likelihood of getting off a waitlist post-interview may be?
  6. Someone posted on results from Kansas that they sent out all interview invites and most likely will not send out more
  7. I don't know if this will help but the best advice I have ever gotten regarding this is not stressing over "if" you will get in. Because it isn't a matter of "if", it is a matter of "when". I know thats its not always feasible to apply multiple times but if you truly love this work and can only see yourself doing this work, you will eventually get there! Keep your head up and continue to utilize this support network we are creating of likeminded individuals here on the forum. Continue to gain experience and know that when you do get in, it will have all been worth it
  8. I actually had a great conversation with my professor over this last year because they interviewed students but ended up not being able to take one. From my understanding, the department does state how many students they can take each year but they also factor in who is taking a student. For example, if you have two professors wanting students but one professor is tenured and the other is not, the department will likely give the non-tenured professor first pick since their goal is to help professors build their labs and become tenured. In addition, most tenured professors have established labs and research. Remember, the overall goal is to help a program grow. Ultimately, this is not set in stone but may provide some insight into the complexities that go on even after interviews go out or even happen at all.
  9. School: Penn State Type: Clinical PhD Date of invite: 12/19/2020 Type of invite: Email from POI Interview date(s): 01/29 or 1/30 DM for POI: Yes
  10. There is actually a few ways of doing this. First, you could look at a PhD in Sociology. Many sociologists are doing work in the criminology field. There are a bunch of forensic PhD programs in the UK, pretty sure Birmingham has one. You could also go the PhD in Psychology route and find people who do research in forensics. Lastly, the PhD in Criminology route, focusing on someone who does work in both fields. Some people do combine disciplines by doing an MSW for the psychology aspect and then a Masters in Criminology for the Criminal Justice aspect. The field is fairly new so there is no perfect route to get there. It all comes down to what do you want to do exactly, what is the end goal with the PhD? Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!
  11. I'd also like to know about Nova!
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