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  1. Well, I don't want to look like some loser trying to cling on to his youth or something Who would see it as odd and why? does it depend on age
  2. I am in Canada and doing a 2nd year MA and I am 23-24. This year, I went to clubs and made friends in undergrad who are in second year-fourth year and ages are 20, 21 22, 23. A lot of stuff was one online, so I hardly met folks in my MA. On halloween, I went to a party with one of my friends in fourth year that had undergrads(drinking age in Canada is 19+). I was wondering, is this loserish or immature or sound like I’m that creepy old guy trying to fit in with youngsters?
  3. What I mean was, how can I not feel like some immature person trying to cling to their youth on the side socially while focusing on improving myself for the future and getting work done/building skills and be ready for professional development
  4. I have my priorities straight and working on that too, I just mean socially on the side outside of work
  5. I mean, I know my youth will end but I don't think it should end so soon or now. I mean, I'm 22, that's literally in the same age range as 18-22 year old people in uni. To word it better, I'm not going to like exclusively hang out with those, just also have them as optional friend/people to relate. In some courses, I have people who are like in thirties/onward and the idea of being in the same life stage as someone like 10-20 years older makes me feel so old and my youth has ended
  6. I'm a 22 year old MA student doing it straight from undergrad and I feel like doing this is the end of my youth. In my class, I enjoyed the discussion but I have some folks much older than me like starting their PHD and already working for years now or being married/have kids and since they are my peers, I feel like I'm in the same life stage as someone in their late twenties/early thirties onward and I feel so old compared to undergrads(sophomore-seniors or 18-22 year olds) and I can't relate/am not in the same life stage and it makes me feel like my youth is over. Like I want to make friends and all which will be harder due to Covid and wouldn't mind my own age range. How can I deal with this as it's bothersome
  7. What you said is what I am talking about in first place I just started classess this week, everything is online, but have my friends who just graduated and yes, I heard from other grad students and from my own experience with my friend
  8. Oh god, it is not like some inherent weird fetish if you think that or something, more like anxiety/overthinking
  9. I'll reaffirm that I've heard different opinions and second, thanks for being condescending
  10. I mean also 20 and 16 is socially frowned upon as well by the way
  11. I wouldn't say I want to relive college exactly 100%, just not feel old/removed from folks who are in it, like be able to hang out with both groups and it not be weird I know my youth will end but not now
  12. Also tbh, I ask mainly in regards to hanging out as I do have a fear/anxiety that this means the end of my youth and I feel so old compared to people in the undergrad age range
  13. I see but like 13 and 17 isn't comparable to two young adults, which IMO more case by case like 18/21
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