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Everything posted by Strangefox

  1. So what are you using for references then? I don't see EndNote on your list.
  2. People using Zotero, tell me: Do you use their storage plans that are for purchase? Or do you use WebDAV storage sites?
  3. Thanks a lot for the links! BTW, can you download reference info from websites (like Amaron) with Mendeley? Zotero has this feature and I think it's great. One more BTW: I've just had a quick look through "What software do you find indespensable" thread and a couple of people wrote that Mendeley had crushed soon after they had installed it. So be sure to back up your annotations.
  4. And if, say, I am using EndNote X3 and I want update it to X5 - do I have to pay for that or it's only this one sum (around $100, you wrote earler) that I pay when I buy any version that is out there, and then all updates are free?..
  5. It's ok to feel lost when you are choosing schools I felt this way to and yet I chose, I applied and I was admitted! Don't cross Northwestern off your list only because it is a reach school. If it is a good fit for you and you will show that clearly through your application - there is definetely a chance to be admitted! Good luck!
  6. Here's a good thread about fit: There are some programs that combine Communications and Rhetoric. I know at least one - at Northwestern. Have you already looked into it? I did not apply there last year exactly because of this rhetoric angle.
  7. And what are Mendeley's primary functions? For some reason (something I've read) I believe that I don't need Mendeley now, but may be I'm wrong...
  8. As for me I have been "messing around" with Zotero all day long today I really like it. I've read about Mendeley too but I decided to start with Zotero. I think its functions are more important for me now. I am glad that I found out how to back up files (not only by syncing them, but also by copying storage directory to another storage device. So now I can be sure that my carefully accumulated database won't be lost all of a sudden. I really liked Zotero and I liked organizing my references - PDF articles and Amazon links of books. I have not explored all options yet but those that I have figured out all seem extremely helpful.
  9. What about simply sticking paper ad-type notifications somewhere on campus? I am sure there are special boards there for these purposes.
  10. Thank you! Another question. The ProfHacker post says: "For syncing files in your own library (2) you can use Zotero File Storage (currently limited to 100MB), or a storage service that supports WebDAV. (Since my library contains a lot of files, I’ve opted for the latter.)" I think I would prefer the second option, too. But I have never heard of this WebDAV storage. What sites have it, which would you recommend to use?? I wonder if I can use GoogleDocs with Zotero - I have enough storage space there. EDIT: BTW, I found info about backups: http://www.zotero.or...ort/zotero_data
  11. Remember that fit does not mean that you must find a professor who does research on exactly the same thing as you do. Anyway, you would not want to do exactly what somebody else is doing. So most probably you will find a prof who works in the same subfield. For example you want to study how lyrics of modern pop songs influence people's perceptions of romantic relationship. It may be enough to find somebody who researches effects that modern media have on our perceptions of the world. Or somebody who studies popular music from an entirely different angle. Don't hesitate to contact professors if you believe that they might be interested in your research. The fact that they work on a somewhat different topic (within the same subfield) doesn't mean that they won't find your research fascinating and be able to help you with it.
  12. I would like to talk some more about Zotero. I've read these two posts about it from ProfHacker: http://chronicle.com/blogPost/ProfHacker-101-Getting-sta/22829/ http://chronicle.com/blogPost/ProfHacker-101-Getting-sta/22845/ And I am finally going to try it out. One thing that interests me a lot: how does backup work there? The second post says: "When you enter your Zotero credentials in the preferences pane (1), you make it possible to make your library and notes visible to others (if you wish) and to sync them across multiple computers (so you always have a backup!)." Backup is an essential thing bor me. I don't want to spend lots of time building my Zotero database and then use it because of a stupid glitch. So I would like to know if Zotero's backup is efficient.
  13. People do get passionate but some cross the line (and start discussing each other's lifes and personalities) and others don't. I prefer to have a discussion with those who can control themselves If they can't, I just avoid discussing controversial topics with them. To think of it, there are really few people with whom I can talk about such issues. Hopefully, in the grad school I will find some more
  14. One more question. When you guys say resubmit - you mean to a different journal, right? You never submit an atricle to the same journal, if rejected?
  15. Oh, you too believe Foucalt's style is bad? And I was thinking - was it me or was it translations I was reading... Reading him was really painful for my brain...
  16. Thank you very much for the reply!
  17. I've heard about that and I have been wondering why it is so. Two years is a lot! Can somebody explain to me why it takes so long? And I assume it is field dependent?
  18. What is a pink form? Also, didn't they tell you how long it would take when you were having the interview?
  19. I agree - the new subforums are great. I am looking forward to using TGC all through my grad program! Strangefox is not going anywhere
  20. It's a good site for looking for and maintaining academic contacts. I've been using it for some time - it is nice. Good thing is that you can list (and even upload) your articles there and when somebody (ad comm) googles your names the first thing they will see will most probably be your Academia.edu page. And it does look professional. Also, it showes you who has opened your page there by Googling it (it shows key words used, the country and time when the search was made).
  21. The trip to the US is approaching with the speed of light. OMG!!!!!!!

    1. qbtacoma


      I know! I'm all, gah, I have to go to Canada so soon!

  22. I still think that it is possible to discuss these issues with faculty/peers if you are friends - even if you have completely different points of view. I believe that discussing and even politely arguing with clever and reasonable people helps you to understand your own position better, learn to articulate it, find flaws in your argument. Discussions of that sort with friends whose opinion is important to me (even if I don't share it) has always enriched me. That does not mean that I will change my opinion as a result of such an argument - but if done properly on both sides (no ad hominem) it can only be helpful.
  23. Oh, so you did it on purpose? Sorry, I thought it was by mistake and therefore voted myself up
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