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Everything posted by Strangefox

  1. So I will have to APPLY for a credit card??? I thought I am through with applications this year But seriously - thanks a lot for the info!
  2. Ok, now I started reading about credit cards... Is there always some sort of fee for using a credit card? How much can I expect it to be?
  3. I will contact bgk, thanks!
  4. BTW, are there any international students using a credit union here? I wonder if being an international student I can encounter any problems trying to use their services...
  5. One more question about banks. It has nothing to do with debit/credit cards and bank accounts so I decided to start a new topic. I am going to bring my money in the form of American Express travel checks. It will be the first time I will use them. I know different banks take different percentage of the sum when you cash your checks. In what banks would you recomend (or not recommend) to do that?
  6. Hm, could you tell me more about credit history? I know how important it is - but how is it created? I mean, if I move from one bank to another or if I use several credit cards with several banks, does my credit history sum up somehow? I am an international student, so I have no credit history yet (this August I will come to the US for the first time in my life).
  7. Off-topic: Did you get my personal message?
  8. And what about that thing that the other poster said in this thread: Did people lose money because of that or they were protected by this FDIC?
  9. OK, so you are saying that big banks are evil. But some are saying that big banks are more secure because financial crisis doesn't effect them as much. Oh my god, I am so confused
  10. First off, your stats are great. You have research experience, which is important. So your application will be competitive, whether you are an international student or not. I believe that chances for international (any out-of-state students) and in-state students are pretty much equal. I've read some old threads here, where people were discussing that and, as far as I remember, they wrote that there are states where it might matter if you are out-of-state or in-state, one of these states being California. In fact, they mentioned only California in the thread I am talking about because schools have bigger difference between out-of-state and in-state tuition there and sometimes they just can't afford taking more than 1 or 2 out-of state students with a TA, thus waiving their tuitions (because it is too much for schools to pay). At least that is how I remember the discussion of this issue. But in most schools you will have as much chances as any American applicant will. I would recommend to look first of all at fit with schools you want to apply to. You can contact professors there and ask if they would be interested to have you in their lab. Don't cross schools off your list without even reading about their programs and professors. It would not be a good idea to apply only to the most competitive schools but not appying to any of them is not a very good idea either. ...Now I've read that you had already sent letter to profs. That is great! I hope you will get positive responses. Good luck!
  11. And just to add to everything I have said above, I would like to quote a very wise comment by Red Bull from another "what are my chances" thread:
  12. So well said!
  13. Hm, interesting... I will look into that.
  14. But what if I want to have a direct deposit of my stipend? Can I do that with a credit union? Besides, an account I mentioned in my original post has no low balance fee and if I perform 5 transactions a month like paying a bill once + paying in a shop 4 times with their debit card - there will be no monthly fee either. So no fees at all! Why not get an account with them?
  15. That's a great idea, actually! Thanks
  16. Please, read this post:
  17. I think that it would me more important to find out if there are any professors willing to work with you in UPenn Annenberg. It's really hard to get there so, though your stats seem all right, unless you get in touch with a professor there and he/she will be willing to support your application - your chances are not that high, I am afraid. I applied there last year. My stats were good and I contacted a prof there but I knew that the school and the professor are not exactly the great fit. I decided to apply anyway, just in case. Well, I was not admitted So start reading faculty profiles and looking for somebody whose research you can relate too. Read their articles and then contact them, telling about your research. I would do it that way (I did it that way, actually ). Good luck!
  18. Thanks everybody! Citibank's right next to a place where I will be living and there is an ATM on campus - that is why I have chosen it. @Eigen: Thank you for the idea and the link but it seems that I won't be able to use a Chase Student Account in my area. I entered my zip code and it says that my area is not covered... Citibank does have a student account but I don't understand if there is a low balance fee or not. The site does not say anything about it - or am I missing something? Also, what is Auto Deductions? It is from the description of the basic checking account. And one more silly question : What does the transaction "Checks paid" mean? Will they give me a check book or something?? Oh, and also, - what are the pros of joining a credit union? I thought it would be easier to get a credit card through a bank where I will have an account.
  19. Is anybody here using this account? Do you like it? I think it's exactly what I need and I am going to open such an account when I arrive to the US to have my school pay check deposited into it. I like that it has no monthly service fees and no minimum balance. Opinions?
  20. That is not a problem if you use back-ups. I am using several general back-ups (on my other computer, external hard drive, Google Docs) and re-save online the most important files every time I change them. Sounds like a hassle, but this way I am sure that my files and documents are safe. I believe it's easier to organize files in a digital form.
  21. Here is another great topic! I've been thinking about this note taking thing myself. Do you people prefer to print out articles you need for coursework or read them in a digital form, typing your notes? I would prefer not to print them out, actually. It costs money and it would mean that at some point I will have stacks of printed articles in boxes. It is so much easier to organize digitalized articles! I am going to read articles on my computer and copy-paste the most important quotes, organizing ideas as bullet points, for example. I would do that rather than print out articles and highlight quotes in them. Is this plan reasonable? Also, I am interested in learning more about efficient note taking for long-term projects. I am starting my PhD program this fall and I have already an idea for a dissertation project in my mind. So I want to start taking notes related to my project as soon as I start the program. What would your recommendations be about this type of note taking? I guess it should not be much different than note taking for any other purpose, but may be I am missing something here...
  22. Hey, Just me! So you are going to continue your studies anyway? Despite everything we have told you on this forum several months ago? If your school makes you so unhappy, why continue?
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