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Everything posted by verschiedene

  1. Yes heard back last week too. Accepted to the MA but will decline since they didn't offer any funding. Heartbroken when hearing that they weren't accepting doctoral candidates this year. It was a great fit for me. Will decline soon, hope this means good news for someone else
  2. Me too. Waitlisted at Harvard. They told me that they were aiming at a cohort of only 8 people this year, but also let me know that it is a "very short" waitlist. Shouldn't keep hopes up but can't seem to stop
  3. ok, thanks for letting me know!
  4. Hi may i ask if you got an email or checked the portal yourself? Thanks a lot! Also, did anyone hear anything about MPhil in PolTheory?
  5. I have friends who went to college in Australia so my impression was that the educational system isn’t very different from that in Canada or the UK. In my recollection there have also been scholars who gave yearlong guest lectures or visited as fellows there. But I assume like anywhere else it’s easier to go from a North America education to employment elsewhere than the other way around. So you probably wanna consider whether you feel comfortable getting a teaching position there and staying in Australia (or perhaps you don’t see going into academia as the only option, in that case it’s probably still likely to go back to the US and work in think tanks etc. )
  6. Yes, i got an offer ysd as well. email directing to portal; 75% funding. Will decline soon, hope this means good news for someone else
  7. Have you looked at Cambridge's MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History program? They have a rolling admission and is open for applications until March 31. Granted it is pretty competitive but they've produced some of the world's foremost theorists and it can't hurt to try. I've had a couple professors that graduated from that program, and even if you aren't really into the Cambridge tradition of textual analysis, it is a very rigorous and useful (and not to mention very well-recognized) training for any kind of work you wanna do later on.
  8. PROFILEType of Undergrad Institution: very small Public Ivy, T40Major(s)/Minor(s): double majors in Government and German studiesUndergrad GPA: 4.0Type of Grad: /Grad GPA: /GRE: 170/168/5Any Special Courses: German philosophy, German literary studies, critical theory, Marxist theoryLetters of Recommendation: one letter from each of my major advisors (one tenured, one untenured), another one from a well-recognized scholar in the UKTeaching Experience: four semesters as TA in GermanOther: ICPSR summer (A and A+ for the courses I took) RESULTS (PHD)Acceptances (all $$): Northwestern Waitlists: Harvard Rejections: Uchicago, Yale, Berkeley, Princeton, Cornell, JohnsHopkins, Duke, Ann Arbor Pending: UCLA, UCSC (History of Consciousness), Oxford (MPhil) Going to: Most likely NW Lessons Learned My experiences are not applicable to most people since I was applying to do critical theory, which is a very small niche intersecting political theory, philosophy, and gender studies, etc. So take advices regarding the nuts and bolts of application process from the other wonderful posts on the thread, and I just wanna leave some more personal suggestions. (ofc if you also want to do critical theory please pm I am more than happy to talk and offer those kind of advices) 1. Fit matters: Looking back, I probably should not have applied to places like Princeton, Duke and Michigan which have basically no one doing what I am interested in and I was just trying to widen my chances. So I guess my advice is to not panic, as hard as it is, and apply to a bunch of places. With that said, I don't think you should decide not to apply to top programs that really coincide with your research interests just because you don't think you "have a shot" there. 2. Have a support system: I cannot emphasize this enough. This cycle has been particularly brutal. I've broken down in study halls, on subway, and in the shower. This didn't go away even after the cycle when I was at a school's visit day and listening to all other ppl's brilliant research ideas and suddenly had another imposter syndrome episode. It took me a long time to learn how to ask for help and realize that my friends have all been there waiting for me to ask for help (because, let's be honest, I was a mess psychologically). I am still learning how to say to people that I am in distress and need to talk. But you will need these emotional outlets not just for app seasons but also to be able to survive the years of grad school to come.
  9. Gosh I’m sorry that you had to go through that rollercoaster!
  10. Thanks to all the help above. I think they all make a lot of sense and I will be talking to more people incl my advisors etc. Just as clarification, that "in an ordinary year" I would get an acceptance instead of wl is what the chair stated in the email to me. I would not presume to be able to get an acceptance for sure. I don't actually mind doing a MA because I am still waiting on the MPhil at Oxford, where I did a year abroad and had wonderful relationships with several professors. If funding turns out to be not a huge problem, I absolutely love the faculty and program at Oxford and will not be sad that I have to do a MA first.
  11. That is certainly true. if 2020 taught us anything it's there's no guarantee how much worse it could get... but still, can't seem to shake the terrible feeling called hope lol. I haven't decided but my partner is at Uchicago, so I might not live in Evanston.
  12. Could you perhaps elaborate on your reasons? Just wanna add that I am not implying that one of the programs is definitely better than the other, there's so many different factors going into it depending on particular research interests. I am more concerned with the difference in career prospect - esp with how bad the academic market generally is and will be, I have to also think about if a doctorate from Harvard opens more doors in the future.
  13. Received a waitlist from Harvard Govt ~3hrs ago. Theory subfield. Utterly surprised and a bit at sea right now, since I was rejected by every other school except for Northwestern, which is a great school and a fantastic fit for me. I have already begun communicating with students at NW, getting their advice on studying and living in Chicago etc. I am more than happy doing my doctorate at NW, but now knowing that "in an ordinary year" I could be getting into Harvard, I am wondering if I should do my masters first and reapply in another cycle? So I guess I am asking if there is really a chance to get off the waitlist at Harvard and if ppl who are accepted into Harvard theory could lmk if they're accepting? Many thanks and any suggestions from all of y'all would be appreciated.
  14. Re: status at NW, I’ve received an admission there and a couple days back I got another email from the department coordinator saying that in the coming days they’ll start putting up in touch w/ faculty and students. They haven’t started that process (at least it does not look like that for me, I’m theory field btw) so maybe they are not yet done with all admits? Wishing everyone good luck!
  15. I think nothing helped me personally as much as simply doing a lot of practice questions. There are tons of textbooks online and I just purchased most of them and did the questions.
  16. I've only seen on this thread that a couple of people have received personalized admissions from their POIs, so I think they might still be in the process of submitting recommended admits to DGS before sending out official letters? Could just be my wishful thinking tho
  17. Wondering the same about theory. Thanks!
  18. I know for sure that Stanford isn't opening office today, but then again ucla released their decisions on a Saturday
  19. There are better things to come! I had before this point received only rejections and was prepared to pay an exorbitant tuition to attend a MA program. Sending all the good vibes
  20. Noon on eastern time. email directing to portal
  21. Also claiming a Northwestern admit! Beyond ecstatic, woke up in the middle of the night for my zoom class due to time difference and received the best news. Theory subfield with focus on critical theory
  22. It's usually between 50k-100k depending on the institutions - private/public, LAC/research unis, etc. But other than salaries there are other much more important considerations, the first of which is opportunity cost, i.e. there will be 5-7 years where you are not really making any money. Tenure track jobs are also shrinking quickly, esp. in social sciences and humanities, where more and more scholars are migrating from one temporary position to the next. Precarity is becoming increasingly the norm. As my advisor used to say, if academia is not the only option for you, do the other thing.
  23. You are absolutely right. None of us on this forum will ever be able to reach down to your level as a person.
  24. I am in the exact same spot as you with no acceptances so far. This is just an extremely crazy cycle and a lot of us are in this together! As for MA programs I applied to Chicago MAPSS and I think their application is open until April. The placement record seems great and I've heard great things from its alumni. But I agree with icemanyeo above that this is however a big financial undertaking. There is still time anyways so I would suggest not panicking for now, take stock of your situation like financial circumstances and career prospects, and wait until most decisions come out before applying!
  25. It hasn’t shown up in my portal either. I really can’t handle two presumptive rejections in one hour...
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