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Everything posted by Ivee

  1. I can answer on Q2, the 180k-190k is a rough estimate accounting both living expenses and tuition fees. For 180k, it estimates that you will spend ~$1500 on dorms/apartments etc. Of course, if you are able to find cheaper accommodations, you can definitely save some money. But NYC is NYC so I would say 185k is a pretty good benchmark...
  2. Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice on financial aid. SIPA is currently offering me 30k/year and possible TA position in my second year. However, living in Manhattan is exorbitantly expensive and I don't think I will have enough savings to sustain my studies. Do you think I can negotiate another 10k/year from SIPA? I am an int student. Many thanks!
  3. Gosh I am like checking my clock every 20 seconds... I feel like we ALL need to get off this forum and just go out for a walk
  4. Do we know when the admission office will open again? The 26th is a Saturday?
  5. Do we know when the admission office will open again? The 26th is a Saturday?
  6. So happy for you!! Let's add each other.
  7. Just got accepted!! They called me over the phone :)
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