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Everything posted by lizavetar96

  1. Hey, congrats! What department are you? And yeah... I might reject SVA because of how horribly expansive it is.
  2. got interviewed by Photomedia UW this morning. It went great, and I am really hopeful! Questions they asked: 1) what is your work about and what is at stake? 2) would you like to teach and why? (or what kind of teacher you are?) 3) what are you working on at the moment? 4) what art are you consuming right now? 5) why grad school now and why UW specifically? 6) a lesson from your life and what it taught you? (maybe there was some other question that I forget) It was kind of weird that they did not address my portfolio at all. I really like their financial aid package and their faculty is really interesting and accomplished, BUT I am really worried that they are SO outlandishly conceptual and experimental as my work is abstract stylistically but it does not really stretch the medium. i had time to ask them 3 questions of my own (they accept only 3 students this year)
  3. I applied for Photography and have not heard anything since my first interview.... Honestly, the prospect of a second round of interviews does sound a bit insane to me. I really hope I am not rejected.
  4. Maybe it is a stupid question, but how do I check when a certain institution looks through my website?
  5. Omg are Parsons doing a second row of interviews??
  6. Hey, are you a current Tulane student or they gave you an offer for Fall 2021?
  7. Thank you! I will do just that. (I actually really like tulane’s thesis shows and I am really really surprised that practically no one on this forum (at least) is applying there).
  8. I also applied to Tulane but I have not heard back yet. Can I ask when did they ask you for an interview? And for which department? (I am photo)
  9. Happy for you but heartbroken for myself. Good luck, I am sure you will break a leg.
  10. Same! I also asked about Aid. Can I ask who interviewed you? I emailed the prof who interviewed me (Seth Lambert) and did not get a response from him either! what is your top choice school?
  11. I did just that and never got a response from the photo department (I sent them 2 polite emails already actually.) is there an IG i can check your work at as we might attend the same program the next year? Is sva your top choice? My ig is @erakhilkina
  12. Also: anyone from Photo Departments: did you get interviews from CALARTS TULANE USC (ROSKI) ? (i am feeling really pressed lol)
  13. We might all be able to write one big letter together collectively so the SVA will become pressed. It is honestly disgusting that they think that they can pressure us into paying 1k just off the bat with no financial aid info. (I have also been told by a prof from another MFA program that SVA broke a certain agreement by giving out offers before mid February.). They should understand that we can stand up for ourselves.
  14. Hey! We should cooperate as I have the exact same thing but for photography. The EXACT. I have been emailing admissions and the department of photo about the financial aid and heard NOTHING back. All I think so far is - I am not going to pay that 1k yet at all before they tell me what financial aid situation is. They gave us early offers because they really Want Us in their programs and now they are playing coy about financial aid, well this is just ain’t right. At least what I am going to do - I will wait my Fafsa results and results from other colleges and will leverage financial aid results from other colleges against SVA so they will try to give me a better financial aid offer. don’t forget - they want you as an artist to be in their program. So don’t pay that 1k yet, but wait and find out what your options are and make sure they know that you are stubborn enough
  15. Thank you so much. You seem really sweet.
  16. Damn. I am so sorry about your experience. it IS really fucked up considering that it seems to have so much prestige. To me it was or is a top choice school because of the faculty (people like Sharon Lockhart of Jo Ann Callis, whose photography I have a connection to on a personal level). I wonder, do you think it is better when the grad cohort consists of older students? (For example, my husband who is 32 is horribly worried that he is becoming too old for grad school, while on the contrary, I am 24).
  17. thank you! I will practice these questions just in case.
  18. Damn. Did you like the faculty? (Can I ask what kind of questions they asked you?)
  19. Photo! What about you? How did it go?
  20. Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. I think I rely a lot on physical cues that I read from zoom calls (like I can tell from other people's faces when they positively or negatively respond to my words) so that makes video preferable to me. But your point about bias does make a lot of sense
  21. I feel like I just rely a lot on scanning another person emotionally upon seeing them, and I can usually tell when people agree with my words or not, and that is why I would always prefer video. But audio-only also gives me an opportunity to have some notes in front of me
  22. Thank you, you sound really kind. (About looking presentable, lol, I always take interviews in just my home shirt with a blazer on and like no pants and no underwear haha). I guess I am just surprised that they don't want to like... properly meet the candidates. Like how do they know, maybe I eat my own snort and in all other ways a monster.
  23. God. CalArts is my top choice school, so it is very interesting turn of events what you are saying here. Do you mind elaborating? (You can send me a private message if you feel more comfortable that way rather than sharing publicly)
  24. Hey, guys. U of Washington told me that they want to have an interview with me with just audio. Did anyone ever hear of such practice? Seems kind of weird to me. I am like paranoid right now that they want to talk just with audio because they don't really want to see me in their school, which is absolutely ridiculous.
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