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Everything posted by lizavetar96
I got an interview with U of Washington for Photo! did any of you guys interviewed with them? (also, is there a reason why we are asked if we waive our rights to look at our recommenders letters? I did not waive my rights for my first University application for some dumb reason and I am afraid something went wrong because of it)
Hey, can I ask what did you talk about in that introductory CalArts video? I am uploading one today. (I reached out to admissions and they I allowed me to do it)
GUYS. I wrote to CalArts about the whole Optional/NotOptional Introductory 90 second Video thing and they send that although they are about to finish the review process, if I feel so strongly I can submit the video. Anyone who submitted the video: how did you do it? What did you talk about? I understand they don’t want a whole ContraPoints video fantasy but an extravagant dandy in me still wants to make it snappy. How should I make an impression?
I got BFA in filmmaking from a different school. They also asked me about other artists I am inspired by from other practices not related to what I am applying for and gave me a lot of time for asking questions. people who want financial aid - ASK THEM ABOUT FINANCIAL AID. they literally highlight that you are need based and might give you more funding because of it, so do not be shy. they might have asked me more questions in the beginning but I was quite nervous so I have already forgotten them
Just had my interview with Parsons which was held with their Director of Grad Studies James Ramer and one of Photography Profs Simone Douglas. It went for a long time- 35 minutes, and I think was quite successful. They asked about conceptual part of my portfolio and asked to speak about several images of my choosing. One of the questions caught me of guard - the political relationship between my subjects and the monochrome style of my work, but I think I was able to spin it. I was quite nervous in the beginning though, so I think my speech at first sounded a bit laboured. But I do hope that overall I did well. Still waiting on Tulane, U of Washington, CalArts, USC (UT did not contact me but I am sure it is a rejection)
Did anyone interview with Parsons?
Hmmmmm. That is strange. Because when I am on the website page on Photography MFA requirements https://calarts.edu/admissions/portfolio-audition-requirements/art/photography-and-media it mentions the video intro only regarding the BFA students. Anyhow. It is too late for me anyhow to submit that. “BFA students are strongly encouraged to submit a video introduction. We would very much like to meet you. Since this would be impossible in practical terms, we ask that you send a brief video introducing yoursel”
Maybe different departments have different deadlines? I am not sure. (What I know is that Photography is one of their biggest departments so maybe they are less picky with their offers)
But those video clips were listed as requirements from BFA applicants........... maybe my idiot brain read it wrong but that is how I understood it. (CalArts is my top school so I will be devastated if the lack of a 90 second video is smth that shoots me in the leg)
Yeah, I heard from them via email. they were extremely relaxed, we talked about my works in my portfolio and the reasons why I am working in the chosen medium (analog), also what inspired me relocating from NYC to Austin and how it is related to my art and the links between my still and video work. good luck! Everyone was so nice, and I was so nervous before the interview and the second it started, I relaxed and their conversational tone helped a lot
Woke up to an offer from SVA Photography department! (probably can’t go there as it is so expensive but I am still glad)
Sorry I miswrote. I meant that I hope that they will send an acceptance letter soon. All I am asking is if there are ways to get work study, or if I can preemptively see if FAFSA can give me anything
Hey! I just had an interview with SVA for Photography and it went extremely well, I am pretty sure from what the professor told me on Zoom, I am going to get an offer this week. My decision on going or not going is highly dependent on ability to get funds. I applied to Fafsa several months ago, how do I find out if Fafsa will allot me any funds to go to a specific school or if I am qualified for a work study? Also, is it too late to apply for grants for 2021 fall academic year? Or is it even realistic to think that i can raise around 13k in grants? (I am hoping that I can get an assistantship in SVA and that will shave off half of tuition). I know that I will NEVER take out loans or go into debt in order to afford grad school.
Oh don't worry! I literally got contacted yesterday at midnight! So I think there is a whole week or two for them to contact you.
I got interviews schedules for next week from SVA and Parsons, but they are at the bottom of my list because of the appalling financial aid packages. Still waiting (maybe fruitlessly) on USC, UT, Tulane, Washington and CalArts responses. I know a bunch of people here got interviewed by UT, are any of you applying for Photography/Video art?
Hey, guys Do anyone of you know if Portland University MFA offers full funding or any good scholarships?
How did it go? I am thinking about applying.
Hey, everyone! I am new to this forum, but I am applying for Photography/Studio Art programs for Fall 2021 and it is paramount to me that all of them should be fully funded and give teaching stipends. I am wondering if any of you know if any Boston-located schools give good financial aid? I am specifically looking at MassArt and I emailed them but they were extremely wishy-washy. Here is the list of schools I am applying to, do any of you know much about them in relation to finances? UNLV (gives full ride plus teaching stipend according to the website), Tulane (gives full ride plus teaching stipend according to the website), USC (not sure about financial package yet), SVA (it is kind of a reach as they do not give 100 per cent scholarships, so I am trying to look into some other outside grants that can help me fund it), UT (gives full ride plus teaching stipend according to the website) CalArts (I was told that it grants 1 fully funded application, but I am not sure if they are doing it this year, any thoughts?) and finally I think of maybe applying to UCLA for New Genres program but their website is very small and does not really tell a lot of they expect from their New Genre applicants. Maybe any of you know?