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Everything posted by DigitalBuddha

  1. I'll have just turned 30 when I start in the fall so I'm really feeling this. However, honestly, I could never have survived let alone succeeded in this process unless I'd experienced the entirety of my life beforehand.
  2. Hey! Whoever recently posted about Idaho State, I too am waitlisted. PM me if you wanna chat
  3. I'm not sure if this is helpful at all because I don't know for sure but when my partner was applying to OT school he asked about accreditation because they had something coming up similarly and they were really impressed with the question (he got into the program). I guess the way I see it is the only reason why this question could be looked at in a negative way is if there is an issue with accreditation? Sorry I can't be of more help!
  4. Sorry, Post-Interview thank you email!
  5. Hello All! I can pretty much guarantee there are some wonderful templates for "thank you" emails in this thread, but I have zero capacity at the moment to sift through. I would be so appreciative if one of you could post or DM me one you might have. Thank you so much and I appreciate the effort immensely.
  6. Thank you so much for your assessment good luck to you! Hope we hear back soon.
  7. I saw on the results page CSU has started sending out interviews- is that real?
  8. School: Idaho State University Type: Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Date of invite: 1/20/2021 Type of invite: Generic email from admissions committee Interview date(s): Feb 4th-6th 2021 DM for POI: Yes AH one of my top choices
  9. This is a bit random but I've been killing some time setting up an academic Twitter. Is it weird to add someone who I hope would be a potential POI? I don't want to cross any boundaries and the goal behind adding them is just that I love their content in general and often just search them anyways. My gut feeling is just to wait until after application season is over but I'd love your perspective.
  10. Sounds like you need some lotions and candles!!! (I sure do)
  11. lol I get so many more emails from schools I never applied to, and programs I could not apply to off the cuff (last time I checked I never took the LSAT?) than any school I've actually applied to. So dumb
  12. Hey! Someone on the results page posted (About CSU's Counseling PhD): "I asked admissions officer via e-mail about timelines. Received e-mail from admissions staff member today 1/8/21, who said interview invites will come in 3rd or 4th week of January. There is no official interview date set yet." I too am patiently waiting
  13. My first interview! Such a turbulent week! School: University of Northern Colorado Type: Counseling PhD Date of invite: 1/7/2021 Type of invite: General invite email Interview date(s): January 29th, 2021 DM for POI: N/A
  14. Got my first rejection! Obviously it sucks but also feels like... a release of anticipation? Like I can process it and move on, which somehow feels a bit better than feeling completely in the dark about everything. Can anyone relate to this feeling?
  15. My brain woke me up at 1 AM last night to hyper focus on a line in a supplemental questionnaire that I previously had not been anxious about at all. Just to keep me on my toes I think.
  16. I keep having nightmares about extremely specific parts of random applications. Can anyone else relate?
  17. Obviously this has been a stressful time and I keep refreshing all the things as sort of a compulsion to deal with my anxiety. However I've been trying to frame this time in this way: This is a time of opportunity. I have applied to 7 schools I am excited about and because I have not heard either way about anything, there is still possibility for each one. I have my own separate fantasy of the research and I could conduct with each POI and what my day to day would be like at each location. Yes I could get no interview invitations, or if I do I could get no acceptances. However, in this moment my future is full of possibility and excitement and I'm choosing to be in that space (at least today - other days I'm filled with dread.) I have no where else to express these musings so here we are
  18. I would like to add that I met with a few PIs over zoom over the past few months. I have two bachelors degrees, my first one I graduated with a very low GPA and my second one I graduated with a very high GPA so my average over both is very mediocre. This is a topic I discuss with all potential PIs as it is an important part of my past and could be a barrier to entry for school. I got feedback that, at least with the specific PIs I spoke to, that they are looking for applicants with holistic experience. I personally have a lot of research and presenting experience, but they mentioned that it is something that is a privilege and not the end all for acceptance. Who knows what will happen because of the influx of applicants, and maybe they were just trying to make me feel better, but my experience negates some of the nepotism concerns. It seems like it really depends on what PIs are looking for,
  19. I keep checking this forum non stop so I figure I better comment! Everything's fine
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