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    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Sorry for getting heated. I thought you might have been a previous troll revisiting our forum again.
    I get what you mean. I wasn't saying specifically that someone could tell that an applicant is narrowly influenced. I was more remarking that I'm surprised that close-minded writers would have a strong enough application to get in. I guess I would think that their writing samples and statements of purpose might not look appealing to adcoms. Of course, this is totally generalizing, and being an ignorant asshole doesn't mean one can't also be a good writer, and possibly they slip through the cracks anyways. I guess it's more that I'm surprised that these people are apparently prevalent enough to have created a stereotype.
  2. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Brains are strange creatures. Out of high school I had a job at a gas station, and it was far and away the worst job I've ever had. Sometimes I have dreams in which I've found myself forced to return there for work, and I'm so miserable.
  3. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Had a nightmare that Cornell rejected me on Valentine’s Day just like they did last year. I didn’t apply to Cornell this year. Why are you the way that you are brain?
  4. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to shanbanan in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thank you! I'm going to *try* to step away for a bit to clear my mind and get into a good place. Sending happy vibes across the internet to all on this thread who are starting the weekend off feeling down, anxious, confused, disappointed, or just tired after a good, old-fashioned adrenaline dump. The single silver lining I have found, in joining this thread, is that I am reminded how kind and uplifting the writerly community can be. Wishing you all a happy weekend and good luck. 
  5. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Fuck. Someone at Vanderbilt just got an acceptance call for fiction. I really want to go there. 
  6. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I know most people have already moved on with UMass, so this isn't really news, but I just wanted to say it seems like they are indeed notifying people alphabetically because...I still haven't heard back ?
    For anybody who's been through this process before, is this normal? This is my first time and I expected this process to be difficult, but I had no idea schools could space out their decisions like this...
  7. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to babypoet2k in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    oh wow that's honestly a relief to hear! humid is where i'm most comfortable (an anomaly, i'm aware). i added places that i applied to on my weather app to keep a track of the time zone and general climate, and it has been nothing short of terrifying! why humans settled in these insane climates is beyond me. i'm a tropical child and your response has made me hopeful that the US has warm (ish?) climate that might suit me. thank you ❤️
  8. Like
    CayceCamus got a reaction from babypoet2k in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Eeek I am only just feeling comfortable at 23C and below, haha. I grew up in Virginia though and can say it gets pretty humid, swampy, and sweltering there. Charlottesville may get somewhat cool in the winter, but the state overall is pretty temperate. Definitely not like the frigidity of New York!
  9. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to babypoet2k in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  10. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I only applied to one school, Notre Dame, super, super last minute (like, I submitted on the last day you could), so you're not alone. Congrats on getting your applications in--that's often the biggest step, and that's a huge accomplishment all on its own.

    You know, I think at the end of the day, if you write from your heart, if you're authentic in your work, if you are emotionally honest in your prose and your words and your experience, and you couple that with truly focusing on programs that have both faculty and the resources relevant and helpful to your proposed MFA, and if you are truly open to learning and growing and being pushed in your work, then you're 90% of the way there. Weird shit happens (i.e. a global pandemic) that can throw things into a wild-card status, but what matters, what truly matters, is that you are authentic, that you are you, and that you write from your deepest depths. Authenticity, emotion, existential resonance--that is what matters, if your work and your words speak to the complexities and richness and paradoxes and freewheeling joys of the human experience, and you do it in a way, where you are just yourself--your work will make an impact, some way, somehow, and the key is to keep going, and keep writing. You can do it, whatever that journey ends up looking like ultimately, no matter how many zigs and zags it contains, I promise. ❤️ You've got this. ❤️
  11. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to jka0124 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    It’s going to be such a cascade come April. Someone needs to make one of those Dexter-esque “blood splatter analysis” walls and keep track of it all. I’ll pitch in for red yarn. 
  12. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I'm still waiting to hear from FSU and University of Oregon. I'm assuming it's a "shove off into the mist" response as well since other responses and waitlists have gone out. I'd like the closure though. 

    Really waiting to hear from Michigan, Cornell, Iowa, and Brown. I know those are long shots, but I'm glad I threw my hat in the ring. The anxiety of waiting to be rejected from those is murder. If I end up on a waitlist and it gets drawn out until April 15, I may lose my mind. 
  13. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Guys, I made a friend at Barnes and Noble today. He’s an older poet and he’s so cool. I don’t meet many poets in person, especially these days, so it was refreshing to physically talk to someone who’s so knowledgeable.
  14. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to panglosian in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hey guys, I think I can be of some assistance! I also applied to UMass, did not get an interview, but I did receive an email early this morning (1 AM-ish) telling me that they had a decision for me and to check the portal. My portal since has not changed from "Update Pending" and I have left several voicemails and emails. 
    From what I can gather from a post of mine on Draft, people are in three boats right now: 1) there has been no email, and the status is "Under Review", 2) there has been no email, and the status is "Update Pending", and 3) there has been an email and the status is "Update Pending". 
    The consensus seems to be that there is a mixed bag of interviewed applicants and flat-out acceptances so it's a toss-up. 
    My conspiracy theory is that I'm on the waitlist because of the advance email that not a ton of other people got, but they could also be notifying people alphabetically of rejection. Either way I'm fully prepared for either outcome and ready to GET THIS OVER WITH
    Hope this helps ❤️
  15. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    With you on this. It’s my first application round and I *know* to more or less expect rejections across the board, but it’s a hard thing to actually internalize. 
    My probable rejection from WUSTL is making me nervous for the more popular / ‘prestigious’ programs, but trying to remind myself that 1) yes, it’s all subjective, 2) it only takes one acceptance and 3) life goes on. 
    All the news on Draft today gave me a minor anxiety attack, but it’s honestly soothing to have a broader community full of people going through the same thing and getting the same rejections. We’re in it together!! 
    Anyway, trying to distract myself and get excited for the future, whatever that may look like. Best of luck to you and everybody else.
  16. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I know there's been a lot of acceptances and waitlists for WashU over on Draft and the "results" page here on GradCafe, and I know there are a lot of you here who applied to it. I'm sending prayers, hugs, love, and encouragement, and don't give up. Wanted to pop this meme in here to remind y'all of something important: 

  17. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to eternalwhitenights in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats babe! Also, y'all, have some faith in yourselves. All you need is one school to say yes. You can do it. ❤️
  18. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I really wish I had a mom like you. I can’t transition until I move out because my parents would rather me be homeless than trans.
    Michener and WashU are lagging behind the times. I understand WashU, but Michener is in Austin, the most liberal city in Texas. I’m just glad there are so many programs out there that have a gender and sex assigned at birth option instead of just sex assigned at birth.
  19. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Welcome! I follow Draft pretty closely and haven't seen any notifications from any of those schools yet. Michener and Vanderbilt are my top two choices, so anxious to hear from them!
  20. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Welcome! As far as I know no one has heard from Michener, UVA or Vanderbilt yet. I don't think I've seen anything on VA or BU either, but I haven't been following those ones closely.  If it's anything like previous years, Michener will notify around Valentine's day. 
  21. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Pinskadan in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    edited because the whole point of this post was to laugh at how sad Marshall was being and he's since deleted his post/got reported again lmao
  22. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I'm the proud mom of a trans guy, and your post made me smile more than anything else has in a long time. Thank you!
    I did notice, while applying to programs, what choices were offered regarding gender and/or sex, and was disappointed to see that one university still only listed two choices. One out of seven total, so that's progress. Slow, too slow, but it's out there. 
  23. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to bb hamster in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hi folks, Been a long time lurker but wanted to post that yesterday, I received acceptances from both Rutgers-Camden (partial funding-- not financially feasible) and NC State (full funding)! So humbling. I am waiting on my applications at UNC Greensboro (I've been receiving positive emails from them) and Iowa (top choice). 
    I am interested in hearing your general impressions about UNCG and NC State. Does either have a stronger reputation/name reputability? Also curious about the racial diversity at each schools -- it's pretty difficult to tell from the students' pages on the school sites. (As a writer of color, I'm a bit wary of all-white-ish programs.)
  24. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Don't apologize for anything like this. Society sucks for trans people... *edited to delete vulnerable stuff that is now giving me anxiety* ...You're brave in your honesty. You chose your pronouns today for how you'd like to be referred to and what feels right for you - that's nothing to apologize for. Be kind to yourself. ❤️
  25. Like
    CayceCamus reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Uh, so this is awkward. Remember when I got mad at M*rshall for calling me he? Welp, turns out I’m a trans guy. I’d feel weird if I didn’t come out after angrily insisting I have she/they pronouns. Sorry y’all.
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