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  1. Oh cool, i am also a reapplyer for Bard. I understand there's a lot of transition happening, but it still seems like a great place. Any others applying?
  2. How's everyone doing with the apps? Appreciated the conversation before about how this year's activity isn't necessarily less but it does seem quiet on this forum. I put it one application this year and wrapped that up on Monday ... Not sure what to think all in all, but glad to have my hat in this round again
  3. Appreciate the unpack here. Interesting -- and, yes, game on for me, too. Doing it again!
  4. Curious ... seems to be a lot less activity this year on this forum than the year before. Do you think this corresponds to less interest in the visual arts MFA generally? And by extension, fewer applications being executed?
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating! -- Meanwhile, I'm sitting here thinking about my portfolio. ? lol How's everyone feeling about applications this year? Sending positive vibes to those applying, hoping you're feeling like there are exciting options in front of you and you're feeling good about your work.
  6. 28 is a perfect age to start grad school in my view. I'm actually 10 years older than that. But I did a grad degree in another field at exactly that age -- 28, and my cohort was mostly the same age. Do it!
  7. Ah thanks yall. Well what's that old phrase, like "writing is writing is writing"? I was thinking the same would be true for painters. Painting is painting is painting. And curatorial would just be viewed as a distraction and not necessarily serious.
  8. I have a question, if anyone has insight. I'm a painter, but I do curatorial work in part to support myself financially. Do you think curatorial projects and/or published writing on my CV would be viewed (1) neutrally, (2) favorably, (3) unfavorably, when applying to painting MFA programs?
  9. So it's time already?? haha, but thank you for putting this out there.
  10. Hey all, I'm here to share my results for Bard MFA in Painting. I applied once before and was rejected. Received an invitation to interview this time around, which put me over the moon. On March 12th I was notified that I was on the waitlist. And today I was informed I've been rejected. Waitlist news was devastating -- seeing the writing on the wall -- but this rejection, I think I can more easily accept. I feel okay. I'm old so this may be the end of my MFA dreams, but it's okay. But there are other routes forward I can see for myself and that's the important thing.
  11. Yes, def considering low res programs. I only applied to low res programs actually. Which ones did you apply to/or are considering going to?
  12. Waitlisted as well. This hurts. I was rejected once before and felt so close. Gut-wrenching, really
  13. Definitely was told the 12 in the interview. But the website says 12-15? Missed that. Totally possible they're delaying because of this being such a confusing administrative situation
  14. me too! edge of the edge. my understanding from a very helpful forum mate is that in the past, bard makes calls
  15. Absolutely the boat i'm in. hard to handle my nerves. what program did you apply to?
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