Not sure if this should be in a separate thread, but I’m curious how people are feeling about the strangeness of virtual visits. Some are starting as early next week, and while in some ways being virtual makes these visits much more accessible, I’m also concerned about how much we’ll really be able to glean about a program over Zoom. It seems like a fine medium though which to meet faculty and current students… but it seems like a really limited way to actually get a sense of the atmosphere of the program—I’m particularly concerned about only being able to virtually “visit” schools that are in cities I’ve never been to!
Also, to echo @clara salmon: for those who have been through this process before, I’m curious if you have any insights for how to make the most out of a visit. Are there any questions you’re particularly glad you asked, or questions you wish you had asked while visiting (or, in this case, “visiting”)?