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Everything posted by Toyo

  1. I am in the same boat in the same storm with you! I think my PoI does interviews so ha ha ha ha ha the weather looks nice!
  2. So I guess if you had an interview then you get rejected through a personal mail but if you didn't then you get a mass rejection.
  3. There is a rejection as well!
  4. I am also waiting. Stanford deadline was the earliest for me. So I think I will be waiting till April to hear from others.
  5. This is a good video game idea! Sell it to those people who made Sekiro!
  6. I wanted to do exactly what my PoI is doing ?. That's why I am a little sad that I didn't get a glance.
  7. Fair enough! But good for you that you got an interview opportunity. I feel horrible because my hard work and years of experience were not enough to get me one interview. This is life, I guess! Sorry, I am in a downer mood due to my nerves.
  8. Congratulations to the SHIP candidate who got accepted! I think since professors now know who they are going to take on, it will probably start noon onwards. Someone mentioned last year the mails were sent out around 3/3:30 PST. I think the time sounds ideal. Not too early and not too late.
  9. My PoI didn't reach out to me else I would have definitely mailed to ask. I feel that without an interview I have only 0.1% chances of being accepted. Also, I have a few deadlines on Friday so I think I will not check my mail. What if I am too sad to carry on working! ?
  10. Sounds like a mature outlook. 2-3 days to go.
  11. I am the same! I mentally prepare myself for even something as simple as stepping out of the house. Rejections are a huge blow to me. Don't know why though. Have seen enough by now. Anyhow, I get your point. I also read that at times candidates get rejected because their PoI is busy or is going on a sabbatical. Nothing is in our hands after we have sent in the applications.
  12. It’s not really about being honest with ourself at this point because all we are participating in are conjectures. We don’t really know anything. We are just tempering ourselves in case the result is not favorable.
  13. I checked out conversations from 2020 and 2019 application cycles. All of them say that professors always seek out candidates they are interested in for a quick conversation. But I really want to believe otherwise.
  14. I can see applicants from other fields (mostly computer science) wondering about anyone being accepted without an interview. I also read my SoP again and wondered if a professor reading it would understand my context. I really want the results to be out so that I can pick up my pieces and move on.
  15. Congratulations @FreeZapata! And it’s great to see so many of us who are going back to school to either cement or evolve their learnings from life experiences.
  16. And this is why community is important! ?
  17. So, in 2010 I graduated with a Master's degree. Worked for 9 years. Did another Master's and am now applying for PhD. Not getting any younger but still trying to find a new way of life. I keep wondering if my age would be a problem. I have enjoyed participating in this forum. It has helped me realize many things. So whatever happens, remember that new doors open all the time. It's always up to us to choose what we want to do.
  18. It’s good that you are happy with the effort you put in. I think I am also just focusing on that. I haven’t made any backup plans or thought of a new direction as of now. Will probably do that in March.
  19. No! It wasn't me! I was just appreciating whoever wrote that.
  20. I was just thinking how to say this. This is our cohort so come here and be supported.
  21. Interview or not! Sigh! Too late for that! Let’s not think about it anymore! Decisions will be taken without any new (or just any in my case) input from applicants. Only 4 days to go!
  22. This waiting period has helped me appreciate the removed life of asceticism. Sanyasis are not supposed to be bothered by anything earthly. Borrowing some of that superpower ?!
  23. Oh yes! @crocophil I was hoping your status had changed. It's okay! They definitely got to our applications. They would otherwise need more time. Can't finish reviewing the remaining applications in a week's time which they need to use to decide and send out letters. So rest assured and hope that they just didn't feel the need to get additional information for positive reasons! Ha ha! This is what I telling myself; that my objectives were specific and did not need further discussion. My childhood Yoga life is coming handy now!
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