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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks! Yes, I was so lucky my supervisor was interested in publishing with me! Although its been a lot of (mostly) unpaid work haha. It was at QueensU in the area of sexuality/sexual health! I also received several other interviews (UBC clinical, UofC counselling, and ULeth counselling) so I don't think a 3.4 GPA will drag you down if you have some additional experiences and find a supervisor with good research fit!
  2. My dad had cancer and passed during my undergrad. I wrote that on all my applications and my undergraduate supervisor did recommend it as it shows you are resilient which is one of the most important features of a graduate student. Sorry you are going through this, best of luck ❤️
  3. Yeup you can!! I had a 3.4 CGPA also as a Canadian undergrad honours student and I got into a clinical program. I got a summer research grant to extend my honours thesis and then am working on 2 manuscripts from that for pub (first-author). I also didn't get into counselling programs - but probably cause I have all research and very little practical experience). Also to note, even with my 3.4 GPA I got in on one of the most competitive years with double the normal applications. So it is all possible!!! I wish you luck!
  4. Hi I am headed to QueensU for Fall 2021!
  5. Around 3 weeks ago, I emailed Todd Will directly if that helps!
  6. I would email them! I did and while I hadn't received my rejection yet they essentially told me that my application was not recommended for a placement (which I had assumed, but it was nice to know for sure so that I could plan accordingly).
  7. Me too, I wonder what the chances are that our status will change. I am hoping for one at Queens.
  8. You sound very qualified! I had a lower CGPA (3.4) than you and got 2/3 interviews (UBC/Queens) and 1 acceptance (Queens) on my first round of clin applications. I also have less relevant experience than you have listed here. Hope that is helpful!
  9. Hi! Has anyone heard back from the Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC etc.,) about funding yet / know when they will send out responses to grant applications? Thanks!
  10. Hey, has anyone that received a panel interview from Queens Clinical heard back about an open house invitation?
  11. Me too! Also for the posts about McGill Internship Route I also haven't heard anything yet.
  12. No worries Nope, just says that it is being reviewed still.
  13. Just to the Psychology MA program (not counselling psychology!). I just searched University of Alberta in the results search bar.
  14. Hi! I saw someone posted that they were admitted to the Psychology program at UofA, has anyone heard from them regarding counselling psychology? Thanks!
  15. Update: Received a waitlist position at UofC Poi: SR-M. If this is your PI and you plan to accept, could you please let me know so I can anticipate future plans. Thanks. Good luck everyone!
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