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Everything posted by Yellow62

  1. Honestly, due to how limited the methodology is on this one, I'm not sure it's taken very seriously. Not taking long-form work, residencies/fellowships earned, etc. into account probably alters what this list would look like with those factors taken into account to a significant degree.
  2. First of all, congrats! Two amazing choices right there. With regard to general reputation, I'm not sure one side of the scale is tipped in favor of either program--within literary circles at least. Both are top-tier programs. If one of your main goals is to gain teaching experience, Cornell seems pretty unparalleled when it comes to MFA programs due to that two-year lectureship opportunity. That's essentially three years of teaching experience between the 2nd year of the MFA and the post-grad lectureship. Pretty amazing. Can't speak to location or quality of pedagogical training, but it doesn't seem you can go wrong with either program. Best of luck with your decision!
  3. Well it's pretty clear you're the troll account on Draft (Mel Reltor) talking about interviewing with Brooklyn college and asking how prestigious the program is, so are you saying you already heard back from them and it was a no, or are you just lying about getting interviews now?
  4. "The New Yorker Test" isn't real, it's some made up thing that the unwell individual who devotes their free time to trolling and spouting drivel across this board and draft keeps blabbering on about. Don't pay it any mind
  5. Someone on draft just posted about getting into a prestigious program that told them not to name the program on socials until all acceptances were out--UVA maybe notifying?
  6. Yes, I think that's the case! I'm also waiting on UVA. From what I remember, I actually think they have their admitted students wait a week or two before posting about it on socials, so its very possible they will be notifying this week, as most waitlists/rejections I see reported from them are from mid-March last year.
  7. All accepted Michener poets have received their offers, as confirmed on Draft.
  8. Personally, I have a hard time believing they do rolling acceptance calls based on how few people they admit per genre cohort, but hey--it ain't over until it's over. Hang in there.
  9. Michener center acceptance for poetry is up on draft. Sound the alarms.
  10. Another poetry acceptance from Iowa is up. Here we go.
  11. From what I recall, Iowa calls folks who have received fellowships/the best funding packages first, then a mix of call/email acceptances go out, and then waitlists are notified via email or post while rejections go out exclusively via post (which can take weeks to receive after the phone calls/emails have gone out). Also, initial notifications are definitely spaced out instead of all going out in one day.
  12. Looks like Michigan is accepting, waitlisting, and rejecting for both genres right now. Honestly, I prefer this chaos spray method of notifying as opposed to the stilted acceptances->waitlists->rejections method most schools seem to abide by. Good luck to everyone who applied!
  13. Johns Hopkins Fiction waitlist on the results page!
  14. Not at all! While there do tend to be a few superstars who get into a handful of the top programs each cycle, this process is so subjective that who appeals most to admission committees varies from school to school. Every year there are people who only get into one or two programs, but that's all it takes! Don't count yourself out yet
  15. It varies depending on the program, but it sounds like all poetry acceptances/waitlists were sent out for Syracuse together.
  16. Confirmed acceptances for fiction, poetry and cnf now from WUSTL. Brace yourselves folks.
  17. Congrats! Starting off on a high note ?
  18. Feel ya on this. I was doing a good job not thinking about acceptances up until OSU started notifying folks. Trying not to let the knowledge I might not hear from some of my schools for another two months get to me lol.
  19. Hello, just letting you know that that was the troll posting under a new account again. Your kindness and empathy will be wasted on them, unfortunately.
  20. Uh...As someone who finds carceral/authoritative punishment in response to drug use to be fascistic and barbaric, I have to say this conversation has been profoundly disturbing. Gonna log off for the day, as clearly we're not seeing eye to eye on that subject. Genuinely wishing the best for y'all in the waiting game for results.
  21. Ah, I see why you might have thought that, but they were referencing this quote by the troll: "Well, I for one do fault the tattle tellers, especially with drugs because the law is arbitrary". On Page 12, the troll said "Allow me to disprove your skills of prediction: I wholeheartedly disagree with this. There are good reasons to report someone else for ANY rule-breaking they might do. Assuming they are being petty or vindictive is needlessly judgmental. I honestly hate the fact that "don't be a tattle-tale" actually has a place outside of kindergarten. It's childish and stupid. When you sign up to go to school, you agree to a set of rules. Sometimes, those rules are VERY explicit that you're required to report things like that. " This is proof OP believes taking drugs in general renders you fair game to report to the authorities.
  22. Of course there should not be reprisal against someone for reporting someone else's actions if those actions are negatively affecting others. That's indisputable. The issue is that you said you'd consider reporting seeing someone taking drugs at a party because they signed a code of conduct prohibiting them from doing so.
  23. Hey, I apologize for the confusion. I was NOT speaking to your experience. My response was tailored to OP's assertion that breaking ANY GUIDELINE stipulated in a conduct code renders someone worthy of being reported, including SIMPLY doing drugs at a party. Of course, if someone does drugs at a party and ends up behaving in a way that negatively effects others, that's an entirely different ballpark and not what I'm speaking to. From OP's original post: "Would I report things like that if I saw them? I don't know. I'm not the type of person who goes to those parties, or who people are comfortable doing drugs around." This implies OP would consider notifying school / law enforcement at the mere sight of someone taking drugs, which is legitimately conservative authoritarianism.
  24. Sure, but this isn't what I'm talking about. The original post was about reporting any sort of guideline/law breakage, victimless or not. Going by this logic, it's virtuous to report seeing someone smoking weed in a state where it's illegal so that they may face expulsion from a program and/or criminal penalties. If either of you believe that's appropriate, I'd suggest tabling the MFA aspirations and picking up some applications for a job with your local police force.
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