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Everything posted by Yellow62

  1. Sorry, but this absurd, conservative, violent, authoritarian logic.
  2. Ah, my apologies for misunderstanding! JHU applicant solidarity!!!
  3. Hello! JH is actually not expensive, as it's a fully funded program with one of the highest stipends out of any MFA program, ~$30.5k last time I checked.
  4. Johns Hopkins for me. Insane longshot, but its fun to shoot one's shot at least
  5. You're now using three separate accounts on here at once (Mukhil, Meso, and now Danny Melrotten), as well as posting in Draft as "Dan Melrot". I can only imagine some sort of irresolvable pain could drive someone to behave like this, and I genuinely hope you find some way to heal from what ails you in the new year.
  6. Michener's deadline is tonight and I'm over here working on major structural revisions for a poem I'm going to include in my writing sample. Anyone else on their last-second editing grind?!
  7. Congrats on sending in your UT app! Getting that first one in is a big accomplishment. I will similarly be drowning myself in gravy tomorrow, definitely looking forward to being too full to even think about apps for an evening. Best of luck to you as well!
  8. Anyone else in the final revision stages of the sample and growing increasingly convinced that everything you've written is unsalvageable garbage? Life is pain.
  9. Hello! From what I've read, this does seem to be the general practice. If the admissions committee isn't excited about your writing sample, they aren't going to take the time to look at your other materials. Essentially, committees choose "finalists" based on writing samples, and then look at the other materials like SoP and Letters of Rec to whittle down their decisions.
  10. I was speaking to the fact that you're berating a current student for not calling out a professor who doesn't even teach in their program anymore. That's what I get for engaging with you, though. Shame on me for even responding, nothing to see here folks.
  11. I have to say your style of trolling is disturbingly dedicated. It's actually difficult to tell whether or not you're ignorant to the fact that the article you cited was written 10 years ago based on how convincingly media-illiterate you portray yourself to be. Regardless of how accurately you present yourself on this forum, I'm sending you wishes to get well, as no healthy individual behaves like this in their spare time.
  12. I'm at the point where I'm revising the poems in my writing sample and oscillating daily between thinking my sample is strong or thinking it's the worst poetry ever written. Haven't started my SoP yet, but I'm not really stressed about that part this time around. I figure I'd rather spend extra time on my sample making sure it's stellar as can be as opposed to spending that time adding bells and whistles to my statement which probably won't be as consequential in the end. Phew. Rant over. How are your apps coming along?
  13. Hello, just wanted to let you know that the person you just replied to is a well-known troll around here. Their M.O. is to obnoxiously offer "harsh truths" about the MFA world to folks, most likely to compensate for their own failure to garner writing success. Best not to engage with them unless you're bored.
  14. I'm aiming for about the same. My only issue is wanting to work on my writing sample for as long as possible up until the deadline. Sure would love to be able to submit early then forget about this whole thing until March tho.
  15. 2022 lets gooooooo! I kind of hate myself for already starting to think about app season daily this early in the year, but I'm a glutton for punishment. This will be my third year of apps after several unfunded/partially funded offers and fully-funded waitlist appearances. My list of places to apply to has only grown more exclusive. Bring on the pain, MFA Gods.
  16. I'm expecting the real chaos to start today because I imagine a good amount of people who haven't made their choices yet will do so before tomorrow as a courtesy to the schools and waitlists of the schools they will be declining. As a fellow waitlister, I feel like vulnerable game in an open field that could be struck with an e-mail deciding my fate at any second. Stay strong everyone, we're in the final stretch.
  17. Fingers crossed, friend.
  18. Being on the waitlist for a dream program is a special kind of pain #justmondaythoughts
  20. Yeah, I definitely assumed whoever posted that was mad about being rejected and decided to throw a tantrum. Unless said person is reading this and cares to enlighten us on this new "direction" lol.
  21. I see UVA sent out some rejections this week last year. Hoping they come through this week and get it over with.
  22. LOL
  23. Thank you for this update. Now I will rigidly hold out a sliver of hope for a waitlist email. It seems strange to me that they "won't deny anyone until they are close to their class", though. Like...Clearly some applicants aren't going to be competitive for a slot, why not let them know earlier? It's not like their applicant pool is so small that they have to hold onto every applicant as a possibility until the bitter end. Guess it might be administratively easier to send out a mass rejection one time but...at what cost lol.
  24. Same. Someone on draft reported receiving a waitlist notification letter in the mail, but I was under the impression the waitlisted people aren't notified until all acceptance calls have gone out? And it is possible all the calls have gone out, but only a handful of people in each genre have reported those acceptances between here and draft...Is it possible 40 out of 50 people who were accepted aren't on these sites? 100%. Is it a reality I want to accept right now? Not exactly...
  25. I feel this. Two weeks ago felt like a burst of movement regarding notifications, and then last week felt like a relative lull. Especially considering I'm still waiting to hear from 6 schools, I need another notification adrenaline rush. I'm peak stir-crazy rn.
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