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  1. I'm going! I hope you find the right program!
  2. Debt... can we talk about it? Haha. I wanted to post in here and ask the forum since we're all attending programs in social work and will have somewhat similar experiences with tuition, cost of living, etc. while we do our fieldwork. So my question is, how much debt are you planning to go into for a 2 year program and how are you coping with it because I am scared lol and worried it'll be too much to handle! Any kind discussion or advice is helpful. I am going to Smith and they gave me a good amount of scholarship to go towards tuition, but it's the cost of living in NYC for my field internship that will be the real issue because I will be using loans to cover the cost of living and NYC is expensive. It's becoming overwhelming and I just wanted to talk with other MSW folks about your plans and your relationship with debt.
  3. Have you decided?
  4. Around 8 weeks!
  5. Hi there! I applied to Smith and got in last week (Columbia too). I think I'm going to go to Smith!
  6. Agreed! What other programs did you apply to?
  7. Hi there! I got into Columbia a few weeks ago and received my financial aid award last week. They gave me $16,000 scholarship, which doesn't feel great since the tuition alone is $55,000.
  8. Hi everyone! I was accepted to Tulane, Smith, Columbia, and Fordham in the last few weeks! I wanted to post that here in case anyone has questions or is going to those programs and wants to talk more!!
  9. My friend got her financial aid package and received 16k.
  10. I did hear from UNC and I heard this Wednesday on the 24th.
  11. Awesome!! Woohoo! Congrats on Columbia, UMich, and SFSU! All great options. Yes, I agree that the housing form came out super quick and I think I am going to work some this spring and summer and save up money for the move to Massachusetts in the Fall, so I will be doing virtual. But I am sure living on campus will be a great way to get integrated quickly! Where did you get placed for your field placement??
  12. I actually submitted my deposit today! The other programs I was considering were UNC Chapel Hill, Tulane, and Bryn Mawr. Congrats on your acceptance as well!
  13. no need to be negative quite yet, a lot of people are hoping to hear good news so be mindful of that when you post stuff like that!
  14. I was informed via email about 3 weeks ago!
  15. Yes I applied in January and heard back Feb 4 that I was accepted.
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