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Everything posted by criticalthinker

  1. Hi all! Just wanted to wish you all the best in this application process! I applied twice before being accepted during my third round of applications so I know how daunting this process (and the wait) can be. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions - I'm happy to help! Good luck!!!
  2. I'm studying clinical psychology as well (or I guess I will be starting the clinical program this fall 2023) and I received my results approx. 4 hours ago from committee 767-4A! Result: CGS-D Funded (Total funding: $105,000) Rank: 24/122 Fingers crossed for those STILL waiting!!
  3. I still haven't received anything yet. This is my first time applying! Do they send you the link and everything else you need to log in and see the results?
  4. Perhaps I'm being *slightly* dramatic.... but this feels tortuous 😭😩
  5. You're not alone!!! I'm also waiting to hear. It's my first time applying so I don't entirely know what to expect but they sure are taking their sweet time this year 😅😩
  6. Thinking of everyone who is hoping to get off the CGS-M alternate list today!
  7. Also I forgot to mention that I received an e-mail from CGS-M notifying me that my application status had changed! That's how I knew to check the portal and when I did I saw that my status was changed from "alternate" to "offered" ! Good luck to everyone on the alternate list! You are worthy of the award and I hope it gets offered to you!
  8. Yeah, that was my understanding too - wait until it's offered to you and then put it on your CV! As for your question, I would say it's never too late to shoot your shot. The way I thought about it last year was I really had nothing to lose e-mailing the program that already rejected me to let them know I had secured funding at their school. Worst case scenario they say "good job but we still can't accept you", best case scenario they re-evaluate things and accept you into the program!
  9. Exactly 21 days! So I don't know if that means that whoever had the award before me didn't decline it until the last minute or if they declined it right away and I just wasn't updated until the 21 days had passed.
  10. Under the section "Scholarships, grants, bursaries, and awards" on my CV I put it like this: Canada Graduate Scholarships – Masters, SSHRC (2020) Declined $17,500 Others may have done it differently but that is just how I wrote it. I hope that helps!
  11. This was me last year! I was rejected across the board and the fact that I was an alternate for SSHRC for 2 of the 3 schools I applied to really gave me hope! haha I was eventually offered SSHRC from the alternate list but it unfortunately didn't change the fact that the school still didn't accept me.
  12. Last year I received SSHRC from the alternate list! However, I wasn't able to accept it because the school had already rejected me. I did e-mail the school to see if having SSHRC would change anything and unfortunately it didn't. I will say that after getting rejected by all of the schools I applied to last year, getting SSHRC was the glimmer of hope that I was a still worthy applicant! haha
  13. Hahah it's happening! I can't get on to see my results and it feels like torture!?
  14. Just wanted to wish everyone who applied for CGS-M good luck tomorrow!!! ☺️
  15. That's correct. Last year I was rejected from the schools I applied to and was still offered CGS-M SSHRC (even after I was rejected)
  16. It isn't necessarily good or bad! It simply means that the school has yet to enter a decision for your CGS-M application. Once a decision is made and entered into your CGS-M research portal you will received an e-mail that your application status has changed and that you will be able to view the decision on April 1st. Also the date will change from the date you submitted your app to the date when the decision was made. The only exception to this is if your application was deemed ineligible, in which case you will be able to see that decision right away. If interested in reading more about it you can check out this link (specifically under the heading "Competition Results Mid-March - April 1st": https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/RR_CGSM-RR_BESCM_eng.asp#Appointment_of_the I hope that helps!
  17. I believe this means that you did not reach the first-class average as determined by the institution where you applied for CGS-M. The CGS-M website states to be eligible for the award you must: "have achieved a first-class average**, as determined by the host institution, in each of the last two completed years of study (full-time equivalent)" However, they also add the caveat that "**Institutions may, at their discretion, offer a CGS M award to applicants who have not obtained a first-class average." This info can be found on their webpage https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/cgsm-bescm_eng.asp I hope this helps!
  18. I know Université de Montreal will be sending interview invites out starting March 19th to the end of the month! Not sure about any other French schools but hopefully that helps!
  19. That's very odd! I haven't heard of that ever happening before. I would definitely be contacting the department and letting them know the rejection letter you received was not addressed to you.
  20. I'm planning on moving mid-summer since courses are anticipated to be in person!
  21. Hey all! This might be a silly question but I'm wondering is it common to be accepted with funding from the department? Or is it more common to be accepted without guaranteed funding? TIA!
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