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  1. May I ask how would everyone compare Berkeley and Stanford in terms of their programs in computational geomechanics? I have been admitted to both MS programs but applied to both for a PhD program at first. Since I am working towards a PhD degree, which one will offer more research opportunities and be more suitable to acquire such trainings? Also, what will the chances of getting into a PhD program after graduating from these two programs (either stay at the same uni or apply to another one)? Many thanks in advance!
  2. I suppose different tracks have different decision time. But I really don't know whether all results will be sent out in one batch and before the virtual visit day. There is a discord I found on grad cafe results page https://discord.gg/es9bU5ES where you may find people applied to the same track as you.
  3. I also applied to the GeoSystems but haven't heard from them yet. My degree goal in the application is PhD and I am wondering if they will offer me a MS instead. Which degree program did you apply for?
  4. Thank you so much for replying!
  5. What was your final decision? Stanford / Berkeley? Also, may I know your specific stream under civil engineering? Thank you!
  6. Sorry for digging out a reply a year ago... I am applying to Stanford CEE with final degree goal of a PhD as an undergraduate. I got an interview on 15th from one professor and was told to expect an MS offer (probably without funding). Do you know when will they send out official offer? How difficult would you say for a MS student to join a research group and transfer to a PhD program during the terms of study? Many thanks!
  7. Hi! How's your application going? I am also applying for direct PhD programs in civil engineering (geotechnical mainly). So far I have only received rejections
  8. I have seen most admissions coming in Feb. in past years and rejections on March. I suppose it's because those in the waiting list has lower chances in getting a place. I hope there is an overall delay due to the pandemic. The wait is indeed exhausting with 2 rejections in hand =(
  9. Does anyone know when whether Berkeley and Stanford have finished sending out all the MS offers?
  10. I just noticed that there is no thread for CEE this year. So I created this one.
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