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  1. How weird! Is it that you hadn't heard at all or did you go from a rejection to an offer?
  2. Was the email offering you a spot on the waitlist or a spot in the actual program?
  3. That is really interesting. I wonder how they managed to make that mistake/if that means you were on their internal waitlist and they didn't tell you, or if they were intending to now add you and either bump someone or extend their list to 36 instead of 35.
  4. How many members are there in the group/do you know how many UofA is accepting? I'm just curious if there are even spots left at this stage. I know some people find out later as people shuffle around schools based on waitlists/potentially change their mind or don't complete the requirements of their conditional offer.
  5. With no deposit, do people generally hold onto their place while hoping for a spot to open at another school?
  6. Awesome, thanks so much for the insight and congratulations on getting waitlisted. I know it can be disappointing for some people but considering how competitive these programs are I think its a huge accomplishment to be proud of. Does the UofA give waitlisted applicants any idea of where they are on the list?
  7. Does anyone know the details of UofA's waitlist - i.e. number of applicants put on the waitlist, number of applicants on the waitlist that typically get accepted? I realize its likely guess work, but you never know if there is a typical amount.
  8. Has anyone heard anything from the UofA today? I wonder if they are done with offers and will send out waitlist today.
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