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    2021 Fall
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    Film/Video MFA

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  1. Turned down my offer today! Got all my decisions back sooner than expected. In the end I didn't connect with the program enough to justify the cost of tuition. I was only awarded need-based grants, but I hope that money can be sent to another student.
  2. Don't overthink it! Ask for the extension now, just tell them you aren't expecting to hear back from the other programs where you applied until after their deadline. I seriously doubt it will influence how much aid you'll be offered. It's a big decision, schools know that.
  3. I got my letter of acceptance from Iowa today! So thrilled!
  4. Hey, not sure if you've already made a move on this, but I would absolutely email SVA to ask if it would be possible to extend the commitment deadline. I think that's normal and reasonable, and the most they can do is say no. I was able to easily extend the deadline for SAIC from April 1st to April 15th with a single email. I think all schools understand that finances are a huge part of the decision, most students don't apply to only one program, and many programs won't send offers before these early deadlines. That said, if you DO make a decision about their program before the deadline, you should let them know as soon as possible so they can offer your spot to another student.
  5. Just going to pop in four years later and comment based on my research, for future applicants: Experimental/arts/studio-based filmmaking production: University of Iowa (fully funded) University of Southern Florida (fully funded) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (most grad students get fully-funded TA-ships) University of Colorado Boulder (generous funding) Industry-facing production: Ohio University (generous funding) University of New Orleans (low tuition, offers some fully-funded GA-ships) University of Texas-Austin (low tuition, funded TA-ships available to second years) University of Central Florida (low tuition for residents, fellowships available) University of Miami (low tuition) University of Georgia (low tuition for residents) Other specialties: University of Nevada, Las Vegas (fully funded) -- screenwriting UC Riverside (fully funded) -- screenwriting UT-Austin (low tuition + partial funding) -- screenwriting University of North Carolina-School of the Arts (low tuition for residents) -- screenwriting, producing, film music composition Stanford (generous funding) -- documentary Hunter (low tuition) -- documentary-ish Florida Atlantic University (low tuition for residents, fully funded GA-ships available) -- media & technology
  6. Hey! I would email your department or contact SFS, they can send you the form.
  7. I am trying to negotiate my offer from SAIC, as I know many others are. I spoke first with a faculty member, who then directed me to financial services. In SAIC's case there is a pretty standard appeals form, but I am sure it varies per school (I've noticed there is way more administrative staff at SAIC than other schools I've applied to). The financial service advisor at SAIC told me appeals could even result in a merit scholarship. I'm not counting on that, but it's good to hear the results could be significant. Good luck!
  8. Thank you! Funny I hadn't thought of that, just emailed her myself.
  9. Hi there, yes, I applied to University of Iowa (Film & Video Production MFA). I had an interview last week, they said decisions would go out within a couple weeks.
  10. Congratulations on your acceptance to MCAD! I hear you on the emotions of the process, but you should feel good about having found a program that responds so strongly to your work (great scholarship!). Funding like that really portends well for the relationships you'll have with faculty! I feel like some of these more "competitive" programs offer less support to their students. Can I ask when and how you heard back from Milwaukee? I also applied to their Cinematic Arts program but haven't heard anything yet (although I saw many hits on my portfolio from them).
  11. Hey! Shoot, yeah I do know financial aid is yet more challenging for international students. From what I can tell, I was only awarded a need-based grant (not a merit scholarship), which I don't think is available to international students. Yeah, I have also been in touch with the department about figuring out finances, and have a meeting with SFS early next week to go through the appeal process and whatever else might be available to me. I will be one of those students holding up possible redistribution of aid: I don't expect to hear back from all the programs I applied to until mid-April, so have gotten an extension on the commitment deadline. Completely hear you about the back-and-forth on how to feel about the loans. What an emotional process, huh. Very very skeptical of what all this suggests about who has access to an MFA... Still, it has been really amazing to be accepted into SAIC, and I hope you're feeling that, too! And congratulations on interviewing with such a competitive program as UCLA! Especially after such a difficult and isolating year, I've found it really affirming to know people respond to my work. I want to hold on to that feeling and enjoy the boost of confidence, and also keep it from influencing my decision about what program truly makes the most sense for me. Would love to end up with a difficult decision that isn't just based on finances...
  12. Ah, replied too soon. I just logged into my Artic account, and the "Financial Aid" section has been updated with a grant along with work-study and loan offers! If you haven't looked recently, maybe look again! I'm so happy to be offered something, but it's still looking like SAIC would cost me twice as much as MassArt.
  13. Hello! I was also accepted into the FVNMA program! Very much in the same boat as you. Haven't yet received my official letter and don't see any funding listed in artic. As much as I respect this program, I just don't think I can justify the cost of tuition... Are you considering other schools? I have one other offer so far (MassArt), a couple interviews lined up (Iowa, Feirstein/Brooklyn College), and two more schools I haven't heard back from yet (UWM, Emerson). Unless there's some miracle of funding here, I imagine SAIC will prove the most expensive option. I've been searching for outside scholarships but haven't found anything so far...
  14. Oh, must be different for different programs! The film/video program is 3 years.
  15. Hi there, I was accepted into the Film/Video program at MassArt. Originally I applied there as a safety/regional school, but I really enjoyed my interview with them and have been offered a bit of a scholarship, so I'm very seriously considering it. I've also been accepted into the FVNMA program at SAIC, and waiting on decisions from three other schools. Regarding costs, I think you will find that MassArt, as a public art school, is very competitive at $48,000 tuition for an MFA. CalArts is something like $159,000, by comparison, and offers very little funding. Do you expect to be eligible to work as a TA or RA? In my case, I expect that would contribute another $15K or so. Do the other schools you're considering have promising funding options? Here are my thoughts while I'm deliberating, in case they're relevant to you: Very much a complex personal decision figuring out the balance of cost and resources, and it's impossible to really compare programs until you know what your offers are. MassArt does not have the name recognition of CalArts/ICP/Yale (in your case) or SAIC (in my case), but I think there can be advantages to that, too. My experience with MassArt has been way more personable so far, whereas I have been a little put off by the detached elitism of many of the more reputable art schools. But yes, names sometimes matter, and of course there are often greater facilities/names at these schools. I just question if they matter $100,000 much. It's hard to reconcile the ethics of an art school charging that much, knowing that most artists do not end up with high income careers. I applied to SAIC in the off-chance they offered me generous funding (still waiting)... I actually wish I could just put on my CV "Accepted into SAIC" and call it a day! For your situation... If you think you might be even more competitive next year, you're not in a rush, and not in love with MassArt, then you might as well add some dream schools and apply again for next year. I would also think about what your goals are for after the program, and where you want to end up. And consider the resources related to your practice that exist in the region outside of the school. I very much plan to stay in the Northeast, know of a few very cool film communities in the Boston area, so that's a few more points for MassArt for me. By the way, I lived in New Mexico for four years, and had friends at UNM in fine arts and film. I've been in the photo department once to process motion picture film, they have a wonderful lab and set-up. If you have any questions about Albuquerque, I might be able to help!
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