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Everything posted by Waiting4AdmissionDecisions

  1. It does seem really odd to me - pretty sure M is one of the most common initials
  2. My acorn doesn't say invited because I'm already invited to the summer session (current student) and it only shows one ahead, but it's asking for my admission deposit!
  3. Last initial S, acorn just changed!
  4. Thanks! It usually updates within a day or 2, but it seems like today it's going faster, so maybe by the end of the work day? Seems like SGS doesn't usually update after 5pm
  5. LOL I love this idea. I'd imagine if I were an admin person I wouldn't be able to stop myself from peeking at the forums - there's no way they don't know they exist
  6. Seems like it, congrats! Do you mind me asking what the second letter of your last name is? ?
  7. I'm so sorry to hear it, but thank u for passing along the info. What a competitive year, hoping you get in elsewhere!
  8. I know this is just more in line with what we already know about this year being super different, but last year they seem to have sent all acceptances, then all waitlist, and then all rejections - it took 3.5-4days for all decisions to go out (Mar. 30-April 2). So who knows!
  9. Totally, rejections probably don't take as long to send out, so maybe both will finish at around the same time today. Would definitely be nice to know before the weekend!
  10. I'm so surprised they're starting rejections before all of the acceptances are even out (or at least before we think they're all out - I find it hard to believe that nobody in the second half of the alphabet on this forum got accepted)
  11. That's so strange! That's what's happening when you try to log in here: acorn.utoronto.ca ? Might need to email someone then, I have no idea! On the bright side, im hopeful that if the change happens during business hours, that you'd also get an email and sgs might change.
  12. Are you not able to log in with your regular utorid? If you started at UofT within the last 7 years (at least) you would've received a joinid at the time, but i don't think i ever used it after I started attending and can't see a reason why you'd need it now. Is it asking for it somewhere when you try to log in?
  13. There isn't a place for application status. You'll see when the dashboard changes! It should say "INVITED" in orange letters and have something about a $500 deposit. You can see pics of this in the other forum
  14. Yeah, I'm starting to think this - over an hour since anyone seems to have heard anything
  15. If we're assuming it's automated at this point, I just can't understand why they would have them come out this slowly - I'm wondering if someone's actually staying up to manually do this which like, damn.
  16. I'm working an online volunteer shift and it's super quiet right now anyways, so even though im an S I feel like I may as well stick around.
  17. Seems like we're going at a rate of what, roughly 1 letter per hour on average? B's took forever after the A's though
  18. Likely means you're in - in previous years they said that Angela had confirmed that the acorn change meant an offer of admission. Congrats!
  19. I've heard both 130 and 140, however I do know that a good few people seem to have deferred last year, so presumably there are fewer spots and (judging by how other programs have been going) more applicants
  20. At the rate we're going I feel like it will have to go into tomorrow and i should just leave it alone. But then every time it seems like they might actually be done for the night someone hears back
  21. You can often just pick up courses as a non-degree student at most universities - I actually did that last fall. It's probably easiest at the school you went to for your undergrad but I went to a different one and it was fine. If you're just wanting to upgrade your research course grade then I've heard of people doing a stats course online at Athabasca I think
  22. I don't want to give you the wrong advice because i don't know if there's a deposit (although it doesn't sound like it), but if we figure out that there's not, you definitely shouldn't feel guilty about accepting and then declining after. Since they send out decisions so early I'm sure they must get that all the time. It's about choosing a school/program that's right for you too, not just about them choosing you!
  23. It should say in your acceptance letter, no? If not my assumption would be that there isn't and if that's the case you can always accept and decline later, that's what waitlists are for! Best thing would be to call/email if you haven't already though
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