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  1. I GOT INTO THE 2-YEAR MSW AT UOFT 😭 I'll be crying all day. Third time applying and we finally got in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I didn't read "this week LAST YEAR" and promptly just went into a spiral. I'm fine. Everything is fine!
  3. No one has yet. I thought I read on here that we wouldn't hear anything until mid-April, but it'll happen for sure within the next month or so. Distract yourself because creeping on these forums won't do you any good!
  4. 3rd time's the charm! Hopefully getting accepted into UofT's 2-Year MSW program this time around. I see lots of familiar usernames on these forums who I know have also applied to the program. I think I have a great shot this year. Hoping it's our year this year gang! 😎
  5. Waitlisted for the second time at UofT. This sucks.
  6. Just speculating based off of last year. They seemed to all go out in one day if I recall correctly.
  7. Looks like acceptances for UofT’s 2 Year MSW went out today. I cannot believe I’m going to get waitlisted/rejected again this year. Super fucking disappointed man. I feel like giving up.
  8. 2nd time applicant here for the 2-Year UofT MSW. Going to be absolutely gutted if I get waitlisted again. Feels like I've done everything to improve my application even from last year.
  9. Hey everyone, I'm assuming no one has heard anything from UofT's 2-Year MSW yet?
  10. Congrats!!!! So excited for you. Do you mind sharing some of your experience/GPA you had when you applied? Dying over here and want to see if I have a good chance of getting off the waitlist myself LOL
  11. Waitlisted last name starts with L.
  12. Awesome! Does it tell you a number to represent where you sit in the waitlist?
  13. That sounds competitive! Isn't the last year of studies only factored though?
  14. I believe you're in! Congrats! There's been a common trend with people like yourself. Seems SGS and email confirmations don't update at the same time if you're on ACORN as well.
  15. Sort of slowly losing hope because my last name starts with L, but I'm hoping for a miracle here.
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