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sbidyanta last won the day on March 5 2022

sbidyanta had the most liked content!

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  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    PhD Political Science

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  1. Which schools did you apply to? As for competitiveness, the top 25 are extremely competitive, the top 50 less so, and outside top 50 is probably very easy (saying this because I don't think I'm a very competitive candidate and got in 6/6 schools I applied to outside the top 50, and got funding from 3 of them).
  2. sbidyanta

    Cincinnati, OH

    Hihi! I'm an international student who got accepted at the University of Cincinnati. Would love to hear more from folks living there, or planning to go there this Fall.
  3. With a presumed rejection from USC and an unfunded acceptance from University of Kansas, my cycle has come to an end. I have decided to accept the offer from University of Cincinnati, and I'm so excited to move to a whole new country, meet new people and begin the long journey towards a PhD. It's been such a great pleasure keeping the vigil with you guys here. For those of you who have received offers, congratulations! For those who haven't yet, keep up the hope till the very end. And for those who have received all rejection, just remember that this is not the end of the road. As one of my favourite songs goes, At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark. This is probably going to be my last post on this Forum. Although it would most likely not be possible, I do hope to keep in touch with you guys. For those of you who feel comfortable adding me on LinkedIn, send me a message! For everyone else, I hope we meet again some day! Best of luck, and have an awesome life!
  4. To the guy on the results page who got accepted at U Cincinnati, are you planning to accept? If so, would you PM me to possibly connect? (offer stands for anyone else who's going to U Cinci next Fall)
  5. IR Have you checked the portal? My email was to simply check the portal; the rejection was on the portal.
  6. Some people reported getting emails from USC to send their official transcripts. I didn't get anything, hence the soft rejection. I might be wrong though.
  7. Finally got the official rejection from Northwestern, but to be honest I knew this much before.
  8. I'm really sorry! Really really hope you get an offer. But please remember, not getting an offer isn't the end of the road. Hope you're taking care of yourself.
  9. Has USC sent their acceptances? I didn't receive any email from them, and my portal isn't showing anything. Edit - This is in context of the acceptance on the results page
  10. Congratulations!! That's so huge!!
  11. Good morning people!! Another week to trudge through. I'm just listening to Sugar Crash on repeat to see after how many times the lyrics stop slapping so hard. Probably never. Hope you all fine folks get the results you wish!! Especially for those without an acceptance yet, I'm rooting for all of you!!
  12. For those who have already been accepted to their dream schools but still waiting on few results, have you already emailed your withdrawal from the application process, or would you wait to be notified of your (potential) acceptance first?
  13. It's me opening the thread 199,000 times, and some other people making up the other 1000 views.
  14. Congratulations!!
  15. Waiting to hear back from USC. I kinda have a hunch that we will hear back from them today (well more of a hope than a hunch lol).
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