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  1. I think maybe it depends on what you want to do. I have spoken with three graduates from vcu and two current students and they all told me that vcu was lacking in connections, so the program and faculty is great, super supportive and all, but maybe after graduating is not so great due to the fact that you don't have man y opportunities to link with others during your studies. I'm not sure how relevant this is really because if you are proactive of course this isn't a real setback. However, it is an important fact when in comes to make an informed decision.
  2. They told me they had 170 applicants this year. not sure if that's more or less than usual ?
  3. I was just waitlisted (told I was first in the list) for cmu mfa
  4. does anybody know any current or past ucla students that i could reach out to? thx
  5. I would like to know the exact same since i have had mixed reviews about the program i'm interested in so im evaluating the same
  6. sorry about that! how come? how do they evaluate needs?
  7. To UCLA accepted ones, did you receive finantial support? If so, how much?
  8. Not a question to me obviously but I'm still waiting to hear back from CMU, has anybody gotten an admit/reject or anything after the interview?
  9. No! I'm an international applicant so I received an email today afternoon from the mfa's chair explaining the acceptance, the award and possible faculty I could be interested in. They said the letter would come in a few days.
  10. I got accepted into WashU Visual Arts MFA with a full ride and graduate assistanships! I didn't think they gave full rides but looked it up and it's a new scholarship. So happy
  11. got accepted (not oficially but via zoom) to calarts
  12. To people accepted to vcu, did you get your official letters of admission? I was contacted via zoom for the news but still haven't received the official document.
  13. I got this offer too. What do you think of VCU? I don't know that much about it. The program looks good though. I was told only 4 people were offered places, maybe that is one of the downsides; not too much of a cohort to know...
  14. I interviewed as well and I think it was very neutral, so it did feel one-sided in that sense. I did not feel them "unfriendly" or "unkind", just maybe trying to avoid interest/desinterest to show objectiveness?
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