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Everything posted by AnnaGrad

  1. Thanks!! Yeah I asked ahead of time - McMaster actually told me the exact number I am on the waitlist, and Western only told me the quadrant. I found out via email - Western didn't call me to give the offer. Knowing the quadrant just helped me gauge what to kind of expect and what the chances are of getting off the waitlist for the two unis so I could at least plan what to do with my courses a bit better!
  2. Quoting this quote to share that I've also received an offer from the waitlist for Western's SLP program and I recently accepted it! I was also told I was in the first quadrant. What an incredibly gruelling process, but I'm so relieved that the wait is finally over - I hope everyone is doing well during this waiting period!!!❤️ And of course if anyone has any questions, my dms are always open as well Also, if there's a chat for people who accepted their Western offer pls lmk!! I'd love to be a part of it and I'm excited meet everyone!
  3. Ah okay thanks for sharing! Glad to hear they make some exceptions. How long did that whole process take until they allowed it?
  4. Yeah the SLP programs at Western and McMaster said they want it by June 30th. I'm not sure about the other programs though!
  5. Hi everyone! I’m in a bit of a situation - I’m currently taking 3 courses at Athabasca university and I won’t be able to finish the courses by end of May to get the final grades on my transcript and sent to grad schools by their deadline of June 30. I was wondering if anyone knows if grad schools are possibly lenient with when they receive transcripts with final grades for courses in progress? Like if I gave them my transcript one month late would it cause them to retract my acceptance or would they be ok with it ? If anyone has experience let me know! I’d really appreciate it ?
  6. Meee too ahh I've been so anxious ?I just want April to be here already! haha I really wish the wait times were shorter so we could figure out what we're doing next with our lives sooner, it's tough to plan with the uncertainty
  7. Okay thanks for letting me know ?
  8. Congrats on the interview and to both of you for applying!! I haven't heard anything back since I submitted my application, so I wanted to just get a feel for if there are potentially going to be second rounds of interviews (if anyone has gotten an invitation for an interview more recently) or if I should just assume rejection at this point!
  9. Hey! ? I'm new to this thread and I was wondering if anyone here applied to the Clinical and Counselling Psychology program at UofT (OISE)?
  10. Hey! I got an email from McMaster yesterday stating the following: Notetaking during MMIs Be aware that taking notes at any time during the MMIs is not permitted. Please refer to item #6 in your Statement of Confidentiality. Your posted question/scenario at each interview station will remain posted for you throughout the entire interview. You will be able to refer back to the question as needed. A countdown timer will also be always visible so that you know how much time you have left while reading and interviewing.
  11. For the MMI interview at McMaster on Kira Talent - does anyone know if we’ll be talking to real people when we’re answering the verbal questions, or are we just recording videos of our responses?
  12. Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on where I could find a good, trustworthy MMI Interview coach in Canada? Or if you could recommend any website or person?
  13. Me too!! ? So happy about it yet nervous at the same time! Congrats on getting it
  14. I believe I submitted all the documents (including the additional information form and professional resume) by January 8th and sent them an email trying to confirm they received everything before the deadline, but I didn't hear back from them until Monday's email
  15. Hey! I'm completely new to this thread and I just came across your question - I got confirmation from Dal this past Monday saying that my application is considered complete. They also said it is being passed onto the school's admissions committee for review and that I'll be informed in April at my email address about their decision. Nothing changed on my Dal application though - it still says things are outstanding ?‍♀️ I'm guessing that they may be making their way through all the applicants and sending out these confirmation emails!
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