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SLPplease1 last won the day on April 3 2023

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  1. Question for anyone currently at U of T, and who receives accommodations of extra time….do you write exams/tests in the same room as everyone else, or do you write exams/tests in a different room? thanks
  2. Most offers are conditional. I have one prereq course to complete. Still got an offer.
  3. I still need a half course (without a double asterisk) in Human Physiology. Can anyone recommend one that is online? thx
  4. Yes, I think that scholarships are offered within the acceptance letter.
  5. Yes, I was refreshing just at midnight and it showed up in the orpas portal.
  6. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg! I got accepted to U of T, my first and only choice!!
  7. Will orpas release offers tonight at midnight or tmr at midnight? Officially, April 3rd comes in at midnight tonight, right? But it’s a Sunday, so not sure. I just want to tell my stomach whether it has to wait another day, or two. 🤞🏼
  8. Are all those that were offered DAL accepting that offer? I don’t think I saw any “I’m def accepting DAL posts.”
  9. In the 2021 forum, you accepted Dal? Confused.
  10. Omg. With your sgpa at 3.91 and you *still* got rejected by u of t????? That is insanely high!!!! What do they want!!?!?!?! A perfect 4.0. Yikes. Did they say why you were rejected? Fingers crossed for this year. How on earth did you improve your app??
  11. Ah. That makes sense. The person never replied to my query of which university. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  12. April 3rd?? Offers have gone out for at least 2 universities (Univ of A, Dal). Go figure. Anyone contacted U of T to find out when they will send offers?
  13. I just asked them if Arizona or Alberta. Big difference!
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