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    Cambridge, MA
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  • Program
    MTS - Philosophy of Religion

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  2. What is the tarnished past? I think you are being too hard on yourself! Apply to Yale, Harvard, and Chicago Divinity Schools. I am sure you will get in and get a full scholarship and a stipend - as I did!
  3. Very thoughtful of you! Don't let him change your mind!
  4. Interesting that you have already decided to decline Emory but will do so only after having had the conversation! 😅 You'll do great at Yale!
  5. Ghosted? That's a new category for me! If you do't get into ND, my vote is that you go to Purdue!
  6. Also, see Princeton's Predoctoral Fellowship Initiative: "The pre-doctoral fellowship is a one year, fully funded fellowship that includes an offer of regular admission to the sponsoring doctoral program the following year. The fellowship is intended for students who would benefit from an additional year of training before formally entering the sponsoring department’s Ph.D. program." https://graddiversity.princeton.edu/pre-doctoral-fellowship-initiative
  7. The net cost for the MA in PHilosophy at Tufts is only around $2k. https://as.tufts.edu/philosophy/current-students/graduate-programs/ma-philosophy https://as.tufts.edu/philosophy/prospective-students/graduate-programs/graduate-admissions-faqs
  8. You seem to be in a good place. Top public schools might be more forgiving than top private schools. Regarding the latter, you can always apply for the PhD and mention you'd be open to be admitted to an MA instead. Take a look at the New School MA to PHD Philosophy track - it seems to be a seamless transition without having to apply for the PhD. https://www.newschool.edu/nssr/ma-philosophy/
  9. You could also try get a PhD through alternative routes - like this PhD by Papers option: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=phd+by+papers+uk&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
  10. Any late decisions, waitlist outcomes, choosing among different offers?
  11. 1. What matters most for admission to top philosophy grad schools? Your writing sample has to be a killer. Killer letters of recommendation from killer professors. Avoid B's and C's at all costs - go for A-, A, or A+ in all of your classes. Avoid 4.0 GPA, go for 3.7-3.9 overall, and A, A-, A+ grades in all your philosophy classes (4.0 makes one think you have no life outside of academics). Find a professor you really want to work with and make that professor really want to work with you. Getting that C will not hurt - but don't get any other B's or C's. Hope this helps!
  12. I know someone who’s 43 and was just accepted to a PhD at a top public school.
  13. Same amount.
  14. Stipends are usually renewed every year.
  15. Anyone else has heard from Harvard CSR? I have at least one friend who received an acceptance letter on Feb 24th.
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