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Shrimply Pibbles

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Everything posted by Shrimply Pibbles

  1. I have weekly dinners with him as I am his course assistant this semester. We've had a ton of conversations but I wanted to let him know my official decision in person as a courtesy before he gets an update from me declining in the portal lol. And, thank you!!
  2. Just officially declined the PTS offer. Will decline Emory later, after having an in-person conversation with my POI. Will officially select Yale.
  3. Ha! Don't deflect from YOUR moment! Lol (To answer, not quite yet. There are visits scheduled later this month. After the "vibe check" I'll decide!)
  4. I'm in at PTS. @Breadson I'll DM you!
  5. You may have already done this, but check your spam folder. I had a direct communication from a prof at a different school go directly to spam for some reason. Thankfully I received it within a couple of hours of her sending.
  6. I got an email notifying me that an update had been made to my application in the portal, then I accessed the decision through the portal.
  7. Just received my rejection today! Was expecting it though, since I applied there to a secondary field.
  8. Yes! The difference between my *2020/2021 round of apps and this round is significant. The mentorship I've received from the incredible faculty at Candler/Emory over the past couple of years of this MTS program has made all the difference. It's really an incredible place.
  9. Really not sure just yet. Lots to consider. Also, still waiting to hear back from PTS.
  10. Got it, thank you! And, congrats on the UVA interview!
  11. Is this part of the process a second interview or is it the first interview? I ask because I had one interview with Yale faculty several weeks ago, and I'm wondering if this means that, if I haven't had a second interview with the nominating faculty, I haven't advanced to the next round.
  12. Did they indicate whether there have been, or will be, interviews?
  13. Update: rejected from Northwestern. Just got the email today.
  14. I don't think Yale has...I heard from a friend there that they'll take a few weeks after interviews before getting back to anyone. I interviewed on Friday 1/27 so I think it'll be a little while yet. I haven't heard anything from Princeton University yet, so not sure.
  15. Challenging in two ways: first, it was the largest panel so far---I interviewed with 6 faculty members (Yale had 5, Emory had 4, Northwestern had 3). Second, more than in other interviews, PTS faculty asked specific and incisive questions about my project proposal, methodologies, and overall academic profile that got to the heart of matters with my application. Two examples: I was asked to explain how and why I envision incorporating both ethnography and constructive systematic theology in my project. While answering, I accidentally mentioned that I was also applying to programs in American Religious History (I say accidentally because I'd been very intentional in interviews up to that point to not even allude to the possibility of other schools or other disciplinary affections). They promptly caught that and asked me to speak to why I was applying to history programs and to my relationship to the discipline of theology. I should also clarify that none of this felt hostile; they seemed to be asking the tough questions out of genuine curiosity and out of a desire to know me as a candidate more than to try to trip me up. I should also say, other interviews asked similar questions; there was just a momentum and energy to this one that was unique.
  16. Interviewed with PTS (systematic theology) this morning. Was the most challenging interview so far. Was also my favorite so far, fwiw.
  17. Emory's recruitment weekend (RW) is in a couple of weekends. Interviews for theological studies (TS) subfield happened in early January. I've been invited to RW along with 2 other candidate for TS. Not sure what the process is for other subfields. As far as Stanford, I have a friend who applied to Religion in America there and interviewed about a week ago. Received the interview request on Wednesday. Interviewed with Tanner, Jennings, Turman, Granby, and Herdt. It seems, based on a conversation with a friend in his 5th year there, that all admits will be interviewed.
  18. Also curious! I also interviewed with Yale yesterday. Seemed to go well. Did they mention any next steps to you?
  19. That's my mistake! Thank you, friend!
  20. Thank you! Whether this interview with PTS portends your rejection, I'm not so sure. In any case, you've got Notre Dame which is huge! Congrats to you!
  21. Update: Interview requests at Princeton Theological Seminary (theology) and Yale RLST (theology).
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