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  1. Anyone here get accepted into MEd Counselling Psychology at Uottawa?
  2. I received acceptance to UOttawa MEd Counselling Psychology - Coursework option... ahh!!!
  3. No, I haven't! I applied for their Master of Counselling program, from what I understand they usually do not get back till April 😕
  4. Hi!! I have also been waitlisted for an interview. It’s funny because last year I did get an interview with McMaster straight away, so it just goes to show while hard work matters, a lot of it is luck!
  5. Nope. Last year, I heard from McMaster on Jan 25th.
  6. Hi everyone! I applied to Lethbridge for MEd Counselling Psychology, (received a rejection letter in December 😕 ), AthabascaU for Master in Counselling, UOttawa and McMaster for MEd Counselling Psychology and Yorkville for MACP (which I got accepted to). Does anyone know when we should expect to hear back from Athabasca and UOttawa? Good luck to everyone! It's brutal out there.
  7. HI! I got rejected from Lethbridge Received this email in December, couples days before Christmas.
  8. Today I emailed Caren the program coordinator to ask her when I should expect to hear a decision, depending on her answer I may also ask her what the status of my application is. Not hopeful and just want an answer so I can mentally move on.
  9. Nope, I have not heard anything yet! Someone in this forum said they got rejected from UofT last week.
  10. I’m sorry to hear that. Rejection sucks!! The lack of feedback does not help either. Did they email you or were you just notified there was a change to your application status?
  11. It sounds like acceptances and waitlists went out... does that mean whoever hasn't heard is likely getting rejected? I am frustrated I have not heard anything at all.. if they are going to reject me just do it sooner than later lol. Idk at this point it seems like they sent out acceptances and wait lists so what else are they waiting for? If anyone has any insight on this would appreciate it!
  12. Thank you! Those posts were so helpful to read. To summarize, OISE aims to respond to everyone who applied before Nov 15 by the end of April. Also, acceptances, wait lists, and rejections are rolling so if you haven’t heard yet that’s good news… means there is still a chance! Anyway that’s my interpretation of what I read on the threads. I guess now we just gotta wait patiently and keep ourselves busy so we don’t lose our mind 😂
  13. I think I will wait till the end of the week before I reach out to them. I will keep you all updated! On their official website it says "If you submit a complete application by November 15, you will receive your official results by April. " https://www.oise.utoronto.ca/registrar-students/admissions
  14. I’m considering emailing OISE admissions and asking them when we should expect to hear about the status of our application … the wait is so painful! What do you all think?
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