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Everything posted by pananoprodigy

  1. If it's just a few basic typos I think you'll generally be fine. As long as the overall quality of the writing is what they're looking for it seems like most places will let minor mistakes like that slide.
  2. Feels quiet today...😵‍💫
  3. Amazing!!! Congrats!!!!!
  4. Anybody know how many Oregon State takes per genre?
  5. First Oregon State fiction acceptance on the spreadsheet...
  6. It's gonna hurt either way in my experience, lol. I don't think we've seen any waitlists for Minnesota though, so no reason to write it off completely yet!
  7. Last year I didn’t get in anywhere and I ended up getting a residency that turned out to be the literal BEST experience of my whole life - and I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I’d been in school. All that to say, I really think things happen when they’re meant to. If we don’t get in anywhere this year it just means something else is coming for us.
  8. 🔊 UIUC fiction acceptance on draft 🔊 (didn't apply there myself but I wasn't on Facebook last year and I appreciated the Paul Reveres who came over here to spread all the news lol)
  9. Oh this might be the one! I literally JUST pulled Creation Lake out of a little free library a few weeks ago! I've heard this is so good! Thanks sm for the great suggestions y'all!!! EDIT: And there's a new FSU fiction notif up on draft for those who applied there!
  10. I'm sat, I'm ready, I'm waiting!!! Side note, I have a long flight tomorrow - anybody have a great plane book rec?
  11. Just whining for a sec but it's such a bummer to me that the UK/ireland schools don't have any funding whatsoever. I want to LEAVEEEE
  12. I've gotten nada from them as well, altho my app status also says complete
  13. Unfortunately agree. I'm guessing (based on vibes and past years) that we won't hear anything else this week, but next week mayyyybeeee IU Bloomington, UIUC, Pittsburgh interviews, and U of Oregon
  14. Yeah it's so wild to me how the chaos demons consistently flock to these groups every year lol
  15. Fanfics and whiskey, baby 🤠 edit: and working on creative projects that I usually find myself putting to the side in favor of the more commercial or literary ones on my roster. Giving myself a permission slip to just make stuff for the sake of making stuff
  16. Honestly I think it's pretty rare/lucky for the first school you hear back from to be a funded acceptance. It would obviously take a lot of the stress out of the coming months but I think statistically it probably doesn't happen like that for most people. Definitely doesn't mean you won't get one though! Don't get worried yet!
  17. Jinxed myself lol. Just checked my Ohio State portal -- first rejection of the season for me 🙃 hope you all get better news today
  19. LETS GOOOO congrats!!!
  20. Lol just checked the OSU portal and saw that I'm missing a recommendation 🤪🙃 not sure how I missed that one. Welp. edit: Another OSU waitlist notif on draft, this one for poetry!
  21. So quiet!!! Where is Ohio Thee State!!!
  22. Literally could not agree more. Thinking of one of my former professors in my screenwriting mfa who was a super famous Oscar winning writer whose work I LOVED....and also one of the worst teachers I've ever had lol. And my absolute favorite professor ever whose biggest credit was a co-write on a hallmark movie, who taught me pretty much everything I know
  23. From what I can see for fully funded programs that are still open: University of Wyoming (Jan 20), Virginia Tech (Jan 21), San Diego State (Feb 1), Georgia College & State U (Feb 1), North Carolina State (Feb 1), Southern Illinois (Feb 1), Western Kentucky (Feb 1), Wichita State (Feb 1)
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