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Everything posted by Scribe

  1. that's crazy. you're totally obsessive and sick. now then, how long is the 2023 draft spreadsheet, and how many people on there got responses from Indiana? there's 11 people on the waitlist this year. I'm wondering how many applied and how many are actually on the waitlist. they won't tell you where you are on the waitlist or how many applied. and of course they won't tell you about how many don't take the offer every year. I mean, i think it's a pretty good program, doesn't everyone else? will they accept new people on draft 23 this year? is it worth it? i might need help.
  2. I only believe it’s true with regard to your writing sample. It absolutely SHOULD contextualize the whole of your work - your purpose. I hate that too but it makes sense. It lets the committee know why writing is important to you in particular.
  3. I wonder if we'd be saying the same thin about ASD or even depression? it's funny how universities can openly discriminate here. although your referenced to unmedicated or untreated conditions would be understandable. I've read a sample SOP from someone who suffered a form of colorblindness i think. they totally made it work for them. i do think there's a danger in using your SOP to explain or even contextualize your writing.
  4. i did NOT know this! or maybe i did but forgot in the ebb and flow of the whole process. In any event, i just checked and there's no info there yet. If someone hears, let us all know. wait, that's the kiss of death??? I'm f-ed. In some SOP's I actually went into family history. and I'm all about the what if's too. but from what I've heard, including from one MFA professor, the SOP is the least important component. You're a better human than i. if i don't get in anywhere, i'm giving up. Gatekeeping muthafuckers
  5. Questions like what? what’s your name, favorite color, and the flight velocity of a sparrow? also, do they let you know one way or the other?
  6. Makes one of us. You’d think once they got going there’d be a mass approval.
  7. Seriously, what is their problem?
  8. Holy shit. did anyone else get the UF email?? program canceled this year!
  9. i'm glad someone thinks so. mostly it's just anxiety coping. what the hell happened to me? it wasn't so long ago i was all about full on punk rocking a diy publishing house. now i'm sweating the man.
  10. I didn’t apply because I had the wrong deadline. I think you win.
  11. right, irvine. i couldn't remember the other one i applied to that asked for the hard copy. Sometimes convention is nice. Sometimes it's time to admit the romance is dead.
  12. this all day. i have a not-so-secret fear that i'm frighteningly stupid and everyone is just being really, really nice to me.
  13. if i ran the mfa at iowa, the rejection letter would read, "HOW DARE YOU!"
  14. iowa is known for being one of the few to use snail mail. makes sense, they're also one of the few who insist on a hard copy manuscript. a few (NYU) give you the phone call... but i'm sure that's not for rejections.
  15. oh i'm sure no one's thinking about that place at all. (i just checked the mail)
  16. here's a question: can someone on draft light a fire under the asses of the admins?
  17. not really. if i were running an MFA, that would be the whole form letter. ot even a "dear applicant". just a plain trifolded sheet (card stock, of course) and in the center "Denied."
  18. with the "!"?!?!? wtf??
  19. you can't not tell us. what were the six words?
  20. yeah, that was me who got waitlisted. and i'm happy about it, but then that voice in my head says, "you know the admissions committee is made up of writers, right? you know how much writers drink; they were probably hammered when they read your stuff." i did actually say to my wife, "if nothing else, someone out there who makes a living at this stuff, thinks i'm capable." i believe that too. but sometimes there's the other voice. i think we all have it. i just need to say it a little. as far as IQ being a terrible measure of intelligence, it isn't. it's an excellent measure of one type of intelligence. unfortunately no one can nail down exactly what that is. it hangs out as a benchmark because other measures are even harder to quantify. we'll get there. 10 programs? that's cute. seriously, though, thanks for this. i really hate the insecure side of myself so all you guys are supercool for not judging. still, i think in the modern world an mfa is almost a necessity. there are agents who won't look at you without one and probably a few who look closer because of them. an mfa does a lot of legwork for screeners.
  21. yeah, all this. i mean i know these things, we all do. but i'm human. humans are dum dums. so there's that voice in the back of my head that rises up and clouds it all. thanks for this though. it really does help.
  22. I’m having a strange horrible feeling. I applied to a lot of programs. I simply thought it would improve my chances and seemed like a good idea. Now I’m thinking if I don’t get in anywhere it’s deep confirmation that I suck. I’ve also never taken an IQ test. Similar reasons.
  23. It should be available through their portal. a check of my inbox doesn’t reveal any confirmations.
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