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Everything posted by Scribe

  1. here's how dumb I am, I thought p was for possible. I also didn't realize we were supposed to update "p" as we heard back. off to edit.
  2. Hey, just noticed your sig. Are you DONE?!
  3. anybody else here waitlist at USF? I have a question about the email I don't want to ask on Draft.
  4. No from a previous year. She wrote an article about the experience.
  5. Re: NYU For a while, I believe they held the record for earliest notification, although I believe if it wasn't already broken, it's been broken this year. The acceptee has written about the experience and yes, they did get the "big bonus" funding package. I do think they've done interviews in the past, but it is a large program so it may not be boilerplate policy. In any event, it does NOT seem NYU always sends out all notifications at once. why, i have no idea.
  6. I feel all this. All of it. I’m as worried as you. Keep making art.
  7. Ah. I hear you. I’m doing the same thing with NCSU. and I’m trying to be encouraging, not set you up for disappointment. Good things.
  8. why do you think it's an unnofficial rejection? what happened? I felt the same way last week but got waitlisted today.
  9. Congrats to everyone. me, I'm waitlisted again, this time USF. I'm calling it a win, but for some reason it doesn't feel that way.
  10. oh congratulations. she's fantastic.
  11. Wow. That’s big. Congratulations.
  12. no, it's because it feels this way... I think for most of us. there's a deadline for them too and the closer it gets without responses, the more imminent a wave seems. Soon it will be so.
  13. Dear applican't, Thank you for interest. Sad no room program. Maybe sometime other. Sincerely, Johns Slopkins
  14. It’s about the money. What’s the cost/funding possibility? I don’t get why the sample is bothersome. I too applied to nyu despite the size of the program but 120 seems bonkers. Is the app fee waived since you’ve already applied to CUNY? I only applied to one.
  15. 62 more days. The last 15 are highly unlikely except for us waitlisters. That leaves 47 days of finding out whether someone swiped left or right on us. 47 days of ... what would you call it?
  16. Yeah. I would think so. But I also know there’s about a dozen on the waitlist for four slots at Bloomington. I’ve seen none for uiuc. So what does that mean?
  17. one FYI and one question, sorta. FYU re FAFSA: while i can't comment on private schools, many public universities rely on public funding for their programs. in addition there are often tuition differences with respect to in and out of state residence and occasionally other differences with respect to foreign students. As such these schools often require a FAFSA for tracking and funding (ie: grant writing) purposes of their own as well as governmental and administrative requirements. That said, it's my understanding this gets worked out when/after an offer is made. Assume nothing but I would think most who need a FAFSA filed earlier would note it in the application instructions. now for the sorta question. someone on draft reported urbana had 40 applications for poetry. Do you think it is reasonable for a University to release a number just because they were asked? is it possible they are required to?
  18. Dear Loser, You have been denied. Sincerely, The Gatekeepers at Washington University in what is arguably the most dangerous city in the United States.
  19. Have we looked into UCI? Do we trust the result report that they're sending out notices?
  20. Look, it hasn’t been a long time. Think of your application deadlines. Consider that most faculty/readers aren’t available to assess until mid January at the earliest. Now factor in their other duties and how they begins to compound. Now consider a few hundred apps to go through. We are not at all that deep into reading season. A few schools haven’t hit their deadlines yet. Patience. Good things.
  21. Just jumping on to say hey on a dead Sunday. Tits Up people. I think we're headed into a wild time.
  22. The fuck? Is there a difference in app fees?
  23. I applied to UA as well MM is fantastic. Also WashU and UTK.
  24. I hear you but it seems this year results are actually coming earlier than usual. I heard early from one of 28 and I think it made my expectations unrealistic. Be patient. Good things. Congrats to the Cornell acceptances and condolences to the rejectees. I really wanted to apply there but I fucked the dog.
  25. OOh. I love Chopin too. did a bit of work on her as an undergrad.
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