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Everything posted by Jordan1217

  1. I was a film and media track for both.
  2. Turned down U Oregon and U Florida today. I hope that helps somebody!
  3. Just sent an email declining my Florida offer. Sorry it was so last minute! I was told that there were two places left, and I had a film and media studies emphasis. I really hope this helps out waitlisters--I feel your pain.
  4. Hi everyone . I will most likely be enrolling in Pitt for their English PhD with Film Studies emphasis (I'd say about a 70% chance at this point). Just wanted to say hello to any other potential Pitt students.
  5. I just got the same thing, woolfian. Looks like an unfunded terminal MA and haven't heard anything from the dept. Finding an acceptance buried beneath a bunch of links was certainly a new experience. I think the expression on my face went from expected disappointment to pleasant surprise to dampened enthusiasm. Still nice, though
  6. Same here. No email, but Mike's legit.
  7. I just got an acceptance voicemail this morning from admissions. So Florida doesn't accept PhD applicants if you just have a BA? I had forgotten. Anyway, that's pretty much the last notification for the fifteen schools I applied to.
  8. Thanks for the clarification and the refreshing news
  9. Anybody else see this on the status page? Department Recommendation: Admitted, Conditional Doctoral, English. Graduate School Action: Pending I'm not quite sure what to make of it.
  10. I got the waitlist notification over the weekend as well. I was pretty surprised. Congrats to admits and good luck to the others on the waitlist.
  11. I got the waitlist notification today as well...not too experienced with the waitlisted situation either.
  12. @ladenkino, i'm on the film track as well. and i do agree that the correspondence has been very friendly and welcoming. i'll definitely take up the offer for a visit.
  13. Thanks for the info guys! Makes me feel good about Pitt.
  14. It's been my only acceptance/notification so far. Anybody else get in and thinking seriously of attending?
  15. I know it's a little late in the game to have not finished apps, but I'm looking to finalize my list of schools with English programs that have emphases in film studies. Examples that I'm already applying to include Pitt and Florida. I'm also looking for solid English programs that will allow me to take some film classes, be it through a film certificate program (e.g. WUSTL) or as electives. I could further benefit from English programs who have a decent number of film scholars in the English department (e.g. Chicago, USC, UCLA). Thanks for any suggestions!
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