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Everything posted by kdavid

  1. As you can tell from my signature, I've applied to a lot of programs. For each program, I contacted one or two POIs. In each initial email, I stated I'd like to speak with them via Skype to learn more about the program. While most POIs didn't flat out reject the Skype idea, they did make it clear that email was more convenient. To date, only two were very enthusiastic about Skyping. I have another phone-call interview (he gave me his home number) set up. Realistically, I can't imagine a professor Skyping with every applicant interested in working under him/her. It makes more sense to narrow down the application pool substantially before committing to interviews.
  2. Anyone else no longer able to access this link?
  3. Start here: http://www.iub.edu/~celtie/national_resource_centers.html It'd also be a good idea to check with your personal network. People with hands-on experience will be able to offer detailed suggestions which coincide with your research interests.
  4. I am a US citizen. I've been living in China since 2006; first doing business, but now completing an MA. The university is a local one. They provide health insurance, but it's also Chinese.
  5. While this forum may be an odd place to ask this question, the Grad Cafe community has been one I've been a part of for awhile now, and one I've found to be educated, open-minded, and extremely helpful. Thus I bring my issue here: I've just within the last hour been diagnosed with an issue which requires somewhat serious surgery. I'm looking into all my options right now, and one is returning to America for the operation. (I live in China.) Obviously, the biggest problem here is that I don't have health insurance. So, what are my options? Do I have any? I'd appreciate any help anyone could provide. Thanks!
  6. Bleh. I scored 156/150/5. Not horrible, but not standout either. Hopefully that's good enough to keep my application afloat long enough for the rest of it to be read.
  7. That's good to hear. I feel that with the exception of my GRE scores, my overall application is very strong. I've heard that some schools look at GRE scores and make cuts right away without considering the totality of the application. Additionally, I've been told that my WS gets better as it rolls along. I'd hate to get "cut" before anyone really had a chance to see what I was about.
  8. Re: Page Length I've heard that an important component of the application process is ensuring that you can read and follow directions and deadlines. For example, if the SOP had a word limit, did you follow it? Same goes for the WS. Additionally, I've heard that regardless of the WS page length, most adcomms will only read the first few pages anyway. Just imagine, adcomms at competitive schools receive upwards to 600 applications. If each WS was a modest 25 pages, would they really have time to read the entirety of each one? Lastly, I've heard that they'll only read the first few pages of all, but the entirety of WS for applicants which they believe have promise to ensure they're a good fit.
  9. And Benjamin Elman, both of whom I've been in contact with. Applied for history. I'm pretty confident I can get into *a* history program, and that's what I want to do. I don't want to "settle" for a degree in EAS (at any university) when I know I can do history. My MA is from a PRC university (done entirely in Chinese). My writing sample (a chapter of my thesis) includes a number of Chinese-language sources. Do you think they'd set up an interview just for the purposes of testing my Chinese?
  10. NEN, could you provide an example? I ask because I've applied to Princeton (for modern Chinese history). Been in touch with a couple professors and grad students. Really like the feel and idea of working with my two POIs.
  11. kdavid


    American History R_Escobar (20th century, American Indian), crazedandinfused (antebellum, intellectual), hopin'-n-prayin' (southern, religious), stevemcn (transnational), Simple Twist of Fate (early American), zb642 (20th century, labor/working-class culture), BCEmory08 (19th-20th century Catholicism, labor), irvinchiva10 (20th century, immigration/immigration reform) natsteel (early American political culture and intellectual history) unforth (19th century US political and military history, US Civil War) hbeels (colonial, early national, 19th century, transappalachain west, historical memory of these eras/areas) thedig13 (20th century U.S., culture and protest, African-American) Weepsie (North American Mapping, Exploration and Trade, Anti-Communism/Socialism in Interwar period, bit of a mixed bag) lafayette (19th c. [with a dash of 20th], urban, intellectual) vtstevie (Revolutionary/Early Republic New England, infrastructure/economic) European History Kelkel (Modern Germany, political), goldielocks (Britain), SapperDaddy (Eastern and Central Europe), kotov (Modern Romania, Holocaust, labor), RevolutionBlues (Modern Western Europe/France labor and leftist politics), theregalrenegade (18th/19th cent British Empire/environment), jrah822 (19th century Britain; emphasis on colonial relationship to India), grlu0701 (Intellectual & cultural history,fin de siecle Germany and Italy), naturalog (modern European [mostly German] intellectual and cultural/sexuality and gender/political radicalism), runaway (Eastern/Central, memorialization & visual culture), Sequi001 (Modern France, gender and sexuality, colonialism/imperialism) Abetheh (19th/early 20th century Germany and France, religious politics vs secularization) NeutralKate (Modern Russia, modern European economic history) Crackerjacktiming (Modern Germany, gender and sexuality) African History Oseirus (precolonial/early colonial West Africa), Singwaya18 (20th century East Africa), Safferz (20th century Horn/Northeast Africa), The People's Scholar (Spanish colonialim in Africa- i.e. middle/West Africa) Jogatoronto (Psychiatry in early colonial West Africa) ronwill06(Social and political radical movements) Latin American History CageFree (20th century, Southern Cone), BH-history, The People's Scholar (18th-19th century Colombia) StrangeLight (20th century Central America) East Asian History alleykat (Modern China) kyjin (Pre-Modern Japan) aec09g (Modern Japan) pudewen (Late Imperial China) kdavid (Modern China; focus on the Republican period) Near/Middle Eastern History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel, Iran, Palestine) oswic (modern Egypt, gender) Atlantic World sandyvanb crazedandinfused Global/World History cooperstreet (Cold War) melissarose8585 Jewish History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel) hopin'-n-'prayin, kotov (Holocaust), naturalog (sometimes modern European/Holocaust), runaway (memorialization & visual culture), ticklemepink (20th c. Germany/U.S) Science/Technology/Environment shaxmaty1848 (Cold War) StrangeLight (environmental history, ecological distribution conflicts) Social annieca (Cold War and Post-Cold War East and Central Europe) Classical and Medieval Hogs of War (Monastic Studies and Conflicts in Authority) Cultural StrangeLight (gender, race, ethnicity, and religion) hbeels (race/ethnicity, religious, masculinity/feminimity, print/literature) crazedandinfused (race, nationalism, performance, rhetoric) alleykat (religion, race/ethnicity, cultural relativism) Canadian History truthfinder (New France, religious)
  12. Anyone involved in modern Chinese history want to share their recommendations?
  13. Good news for Asianists.
  14. This is why I sent all applications at once and burnt the files afterwards. I didn't want to look at anything after it had been sent out. I rather be completely ignorant to any mistakes I may have made. Will make the next three months much easier to get through.
  15. To keep things simple, I made 1,000 words the limit for all my SOPs. My first draft was around 1,600. Cutting it down was tough, but a good exercise.
  16. Woohoo! I've officially submitted all documents to all schools and paid the application fees! After a grueling two years of researching, networking, and writing, the power now shifts to the adcomms. I feel like I'm at tribal council. Now the worst part comes: the wait.
  17. So, based on czesc's input, it seems best to write as few schools as possible?
  18. Are they trying to get a feel for how insecure and paranoid we are? (FYI: I'm applying to eleven!)
  19. I might just skip these parts. Adding something to those sections would only rehash what's already all over my application (e.g. living abroad/traveling for a decade and an MA from a PRC university).
  20. I've begun filling out online applications. During the process I've noticed quite a few schools asking for diversity statements, disadvantaged socioeconomic background, etc. I lived a fairly dull existence until I moved abroad in 2005. While my parents divorce (while I was in high school) required that I get a job to help make ends meet, I wouldn't say we were ever economically disadvantaged. My post-undergraduate life has been much more exciting, but that's all covered in my SOP and resume. Is the fact that I had a rather typical middle-class upbringing going to be a problem? Should I just not submit something for these sections (which is optional)?
  21. I'm pretty close to a final draft of my SOP. As most programs have a 1,000-word limit, I'm quite constrained. Yet I suppose that's part of the task. Here's my current draft: http://docdroid.net/5jjv I would greatly appreciate feedback and/or criticism of any kind!
  22. A link would be fantastic, especially if it includes a book list! Thanks, annieca!
  23. I've finished my first draft of my SOP. Most programs have a 1,000-word limit. I'm thus using that as my base from which I'll modify. At present, my draft is: 32% undergraduate and work experience 29% MA coursework and thesis 21% research interests 18% program specific, fit, and location The few people from which I've received feedback thus far have said that I should minimize everything pre-MA and focus more on MA coursework and future research. What do you all think about this format?
  24. Another excellent suggestion, telkanuru! Thanks!
  25. Hello All, If there are any history apps out there wanting to review and critique others' SOPs, please PM me with your email address. We'll use that as a medium to communicate and swap SOPs. Thanks!
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