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  • Location
    Princeton, NJ
  • Interests
  • Program
    Theoretical Computer Science

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. My university asked us for an official transcript showing the completion of the programs listed on our respective applications (in my case, BS and MS). They had us bring these with us to the new student orientation. If your future university has a similar policy, I imagine this will give you plenty of time to get your final transcript appropriately translated before you need to turn it in.
  2. Yale's PhD program claims to require the CS GRE, though apparently you can still apply without it (at a disadvantage).
  3. Quick update: the phone numbers are currently available on the directory, but you cannot search using them. I'm considering spidering the directory to try to make a searchable database. If anyone wants me to find their roommate, feel free to PM me and I'll try to see if I can figure it out for you =)
  4. I just crammed with my roommate the day before. Ended up getting some type of recognition for doing well on it.
  5. Hahaha... that's brilliant. The phone numbers aren't up yet, but will make sure to do this as soon as they are posted .
  6. also http://www.cs.princeton.edu/academics/ugradpgm/gsg.php
  7. From what I've heard, adequate preparation makes the winters manageable (but still not terribly fun) for people used to warm climates. I'm sure that there are plenty of lists online listing every detail of just how to prepare, so I'll defer all advice to those (as I'll probably forget something). On a completely unrelated note, does anyone happen to know when we find out roommate information in the case that we were assigned multi-person rooms? I'm curious to know who I'll be living with for a year =).
  8. I didn't receive mine in the mail, but I heard that local (US) students were supposed to get their netid password by the 9th of June or so, so I called them and they simply reset it for me over the phone. You can look up your netid in the student directory and find the number to call by logging in with a wrong password. My housing decision was sent to my @princeton.edu address and the accept/reject deadline is TODAY, so be sure to get on it!
  9. No clue about UVA, but I know RPI has a dedicated vision person (see here). I have no idea if he's well-known in the field or not. Based on the one vision class I took with him, I'd be slightly disinclined to stay at (or, in your case, attend) RPI had computational vision been my field of choice. I couldn't quite understand his thought process/expectations/etc, and felt as though there were some type of constant disconnect with him.
  10. You start it at the end. Come up with a beast of a final paragraph and build your way towards it.
  11. mewtwo

    Troy, NY

    I live offcampus with two roommates for $1350/month, so $450/month/person. This is one of the more expensive apartments in the area, and it's large enough that I have a room to myself. I think the place is rented for next year, though.
  12. Hi! I'm headed there for a Ph.D. in Computer Science. I don't really care about living conditions (particularly if it's only for a year), so I just followed everyone's advice and put the Graduate Colleges (it is a proper noun, right?) as my top choice. It would be nice to see pictures or floor plans, though... Both are hard to come by online without the appropriate Princeton account. I'm not terribly excited about the meal plans generally costing more than paying for each meal at the door, but I guess the difference isn't too drastic for the high-end meal plans. At least I'm lead to believe that the food is good (with my current university's meal plan, I'm ecstatic if they have the ingredients necessary to form a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. =(!) Any word from current students about the matter? Does anyone here know of good work places? I'm a huge fan of working in libraries, but only if they're reasonably quiet (unlike the one at my current university ). I know Princeton has multiple libraries, but how crowded are they? I'd imagine, based on Princeton's reputation alone, that the libraries are generally full of studiers. Are there any private study rooms around campus, or otherwise awesome quiet study spots? I can't wait to start!
  13. mewtwo

    Troy, NY

    Graduate students here generally opt to live off campus because you can find a better deal for significantly less money. From what I understand, there are a small number of graduate rooms on freshman hill, and others too far away from campus to be practical unless you have a car or enjoy waiting for shuttles. I can't tell you much about Troy because I didn't enter the city too much, but from what I hear there's not much to do there anyway. Safety doesn't seem to be a huge issue around campus (though there are a small number of postings of muggings and so on per semester), and has never really bothered me (or, as far as I can tell, anyone I know) in my stay there. The 24k stipend is more than enough. In math, we get an 18.5k or so stipend, and we manage to live reasonably well off of that (albeit not necessarily in luxury). I don't know too much about biotechnology, but I know that the building is very pretty, and I like sneaking in there to work whenever I can on a weekend (the doors lock, though, so I need to wait for someone to let me in, which doesn't happen to often on Saturday mornings).
  14. Approximations algorithms (well, any type of algorithm development) and metric embeddings are things I know I like, but I'd imagine that I'll be exposed to a lot more over the next few years. What do you do?
  15. mewtwo

    DOE CSGF 2011

    Dear Mewtwo, Thank you for your interest in and your application to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Computational Science Graduate Fellowship program. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a DOE CSGF fellowship. We received a large number of very highly qualified applications and we are able to fund only a small percentage of them. We hope that you will continue to pursue academic and career goals in the area of computational science. If your research interests include the need for high end computing tools and resources, you may want to visit the SciDAC Outreach center, a clearinghouse for activities and resources associated with the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing program funded by the Department of Energy. You can find information about the SciDAC Outreach center here: https://outreach.scidac.gov/ Please note that some applicants win fellowships the second time they apply. If you maintain an interest in computational science/engineering and remain eligible for the fellowship please consider applying again in the future. We thank you for taking the time to apply to the program. With best regards, Mary Ann Leung, PhD DOE CSGF Program Manager
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