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Everything posted by 40404

  1. I am very much overwhelmed...I feel as if I had been taking my life for granted until now! I'm an intl student going to the US for Masters. I haven't lived independently, have the most supportive family, the best bunch of friends and a wonderful job. I feel as if I am leaving everything behind for a life wherein I am unsure where I am going. To be quite honest, I am scared to live alone and be on my own. People ask me if I am excited but my first answer would be no. I guess, this is all part of life's wonderful adventures so we shall see.
  2. applicants without work experience also have chances of getting into top programs. However, you have to excel in everything else - LORs, college grades, GREs, personal statement. Its a bit more challenging to get in but of course you still have a chance. Try applying to other schools liek safety schools just in case.
  3. I used to check this site like 10 times daily. hahaha. Yes, it has been an integral part of applicants' daily lives... indeed so boring now
  4. Hi, I'm Syracuse Maxwell-bound this Fall! How about you?
  5. Got interviewed last June 22, got my visa via courier June 25. Not bad
  6. Hi Ignacio, The two years of college will matter more than the first few. Its best if your grades are at least going up. Nonetheless, your GRE scores should make up for low college grades.
  7. Just said YES to Maxwell last night! I hope to see you guys there!
  8. wow, this thread is interesting. I am intl but I plan to work in UN, ADB and WB as well. I really hope this MA degree will open more doors for me... Are jobs in these fields affected by the economic crisis?
  9. Please let yourselves be heard!
  10. Anyone here who went to the Admitted Students Welcome Weekend? What are your thoughts? Please share them here!
  11. Hey firefly, I'll probably be attending SU since I got a partial GA-ship. I am going also because of the strong alumni network they have. Hope to see you there!
  12. Hi Golonghorns, Got my admittance letter via snail mail the other day! I'm in also...contemplating which school to choose now...are you going to attend NYU?
  13. When did you submit your app? They did say they review it based on when they received the apps... more of a first-come, first-serve basis I guess...
  14. Hi PeteZahut, Did you get to visit the open house? How was it? Any feedback you can give to someone a million miles away? hehehe
  15. HI Golonghorns, How did you know about the results? Website? Snail mail? Email?
  16. I'd go with WWS 100%!
  17. Hey all... I just got a funding package yesterday. Its really the swing vote for me. Anyways, I haven't gotten my acceptance letter in the mail yet so I think I better follow up on that one.. Goodluck to all!
  18. Hi Firefly, Its partial graduate assistantship requiring 10 hrs of work per week with either of Maxwell's research centers or administration. I am still clarifying some aspects of it but nonetheless grateful (and surprised!) that I got aid.
  19. I'd go for the free ride...not everyone gets that kind of offer.
  20. Firefly, Check your email, I just got funding notification from Syracuse's MA-IR program. Grad assistantship (partial tuition) plus stipend.
  21. Who can claim the acceptance with the Arrupe Fellowship?
  22. My cousin's husband is a grad of the IPED program, he's currently a financial analyst. I'll try to email him to ask about the program specifics but when he knew before that I was thinking of applying he encouraged me to do so.
  23. I got a letter thru UPS just this week..I am intl btw.
  24. I heard via email first on Mar 12 then the letter came via UPS last Mar 17. I am in Manila, Philippines.
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