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Everything posted by 40404

  1. I have the same question actually. Its a new program so maybe the alumni network of the program is not that strong but that of the school (NYU) may give it a boost up. I am likewise interested in their Geneva program. Has anyone here heard from them? I submitted last Feb 2 and based from the reply email, they should reply in 2-3 weeks but I haven't heard still. Someone from autoadmit said that the program is not strong in a sense that she/he graduated from it a few years ago but is still jobless. I think this is a case-to-case basis though. Anyhow, its not just the program's name but what you make out of it. My two cents worth.
  2. I was wondering if anyone here applied to NYU's Global Affairs program? Its relatively new and I was hoping to know more about it.
  3. quote]I am waiting to hear back from a few more schools. I think I am kinda leaning towards that program but I plan on visiting the school in early April to make a decision. They are suppose to send funding stuff to everyone no later than April 1.
  4. Hi thewaitinggame09, Maybe you should change your username since I guess you know the results by now . Anyway, are you dead set on Maxwell? I really hope they send out funding info soon.
  5. I'd say money will be the swing vote for me. At least you could start your career after grad school w/o debt! I'd go for the free ride as well.
  6. Hi Jeppe, Maybe you could send an email to the admissions department. That's how I knew about the result of my app. I emailed Mar 1st and they got back the next day with a decision. The letter is actually dated Mar 7th so I am assuming they know some of the results already but waiting for a few days before they release them. Apps are higher this year and (the admissions director is actually spending his Sundays reviewing apps - based from the email) so that's what is keeping them from releasing everything early. Goodluck!
  7. Where do SU students go for internships usually? NYC? Isn't it a good 4-5 hrs away? How marketable is an SU Maxwell diploma? I am so torn and deciding where to go is usually the first thing that comes into my mind upon waking up and the last thing I think about before going to bed.
  8. Did you let your recommenders know admissions results? Are we obliged to do so? I mean one of my recommenders is my boss so I told him but my former professors I don't see very often...
  9. Anyone here applying to intl student loans to finance his/her US degree? I am planning to take a loan and I have heard its possible as long as you have a US citizen as guarantor/co-signer. Anyone here know more information? How long does it take to take out a loan and have it approved? I bet due to the economic crisis, loans are not that available as before. Anyone who can give more insight??
  10. Unfortunately for me, I applied to the IR program which is about 1.5-2 yrs...
  11. I'm international also so I guess around Aug as well
  12. I got into a school but the letter mentioned I was not chosen for financial aid. I emailed the admissions councilor and she advises I email the program director. You think that's a good idea? I would like to try and I don't think it will cause harm since I already am admitted anyway....
  13. Does anyone here have any idea how marketable the IPED program is in terms of career prospects?
  14. Hey PeteZahut, How brutal do the winters get? How many months in a year does it snow there?
  15. 40404

    Syracuse, NY

    I'm in the same boat. I love SU's program but I am not sure if I can handle the cold. I come from a tropical country and have never seen snow (seriously!)
  16. same here... I'm leaning towards Fordham (because of the family/relatives factor) but I feel that I will enjoy the IR program at Syracuse and funding will be the swing vote for me as well... I hope the let us know soon!!!!
  17. I emailed the department and said they sent out results last week...nonetheless, the admissions counselor said it was a no for me. Good thing the acceptances came before the rejection, at least I have somewhere to go to this Fall!
  18. Mine says I have until May 1st to decide...
  19. Hi Pandacamel, I am international too and still haven't heard from WWS. I just want to know now. If its a "no", I'll live anyway. hahaha Goodluck. Let us know once you hear something.
  20. It's currently summertime in the Philippines now. I am hitting the beach at least once a month since I applied to NY schools and tropical is certainly not the word to describe that place Planning to brush up on foreign language as well... some Spanish classes I suppose.
  21. Hi Firefly, I am actually choosing between Syracuse MA-IR and Fordham's IPED program. As you said, SU's funding packages are to follow. I actually like SU better as the program is strong, the cost of living is low, the admissions people seem really nice and I am actually looking forward to the semester you can opt to spend in Geneva. As for cons - I'll be alone with the nearest friend/relative about 4 hours away by car (I am an international student). For Fordham, I like the campus, small class size (25 - 30) its very near to internship opportunities and I can live with relatives and friends there so my parents actually prefer this one so they can have peace of mind knowing I am a gazillion miles away. Cons- really quantitative (they have Econometrics as a core subj!) and no funding for sure. So like you, the two courses are not really the same but overlapping up to some degree. I think I have until May 1 to decide. I have yet to receive the hardcopy of the acceptance package for both schools. I am so torn. :?:
  22. Hi, I am from the Philippines and I heard from a friend who took out loans with a US citizen (relative) as her guarantor. I was wondering if the situation is a bit dim now in terms of borrowing money due to the recession and all..
  23. 40404


    Anyone here going to Fordham?
  24. Hi, I got admitted to the IPED last Thurs w/o funding
  25. In at the IR program! Undecided if this is where I'll be going though...
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