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Everything posted by skeedy

  1. I'm an alum and waiting on my darn letter (after an unofficial acceptance email)... So hopefully I will be able to illuminate you shortly.
  2. THANK GOD that the high school team I coach is about to begin its season. It means that for 2+ hours a day I am NOT in front of my computer, NOT obsessively scanning last year's statistics, and not hyperventilating about where I would/won't/could/couldn't be in seven (!) months. So my "outlet" is planning torturous conditioning drills and deciding who to keep and who to cut from the team.... That's right, FINALLY I have the power with acceptance decisions, muahahahaha! I swear I'm a good coach. (Side effects of the admissions wait may include power trips and unnecessary evil laughter)
  3. So the gmail filter CAN work against you FYI... I woke up to see (3)! in my special grad school inbox and guess what was there... An email from a fellow employee named George (filter: George Washington University) A Groupon deal for snowboarding deal in Berkeley (filter: UC Berkeley - yes, I should have known as I live in Oakland) - and - An email from my sister mentioning how the Packers are from Wisconsin? (filter: University of Wisconsin-Madison... Come on sis, that's just mean!) D'oh!
  4. Just got my unofficial acceptance! First reaction: EFF YES! Second: How the h e double hockey sticks am I going to pay for this?? Elation met with a realization. We'll see what this funding is like I guess?
  5. Extra points for Pauly D. Don't judge me that I remember that episode. Instructions: If you have gmail, you can go to "make a filter" (by the search bar) and list the key words in emails that gmail should filter. I did 6 filters for my (you guessed it) 6 schools. For each new filter it asks what you should do w/the email, so click "Skip Inbox" and "Apply Label". You will then have to create a new label (which is really a new inbox)... Mine is "No Big Deal, Who Cares?" as I'm hoping the irony will make me chuckle even if it's a rejection email. This new inbox should appear to the left of your screen! I've used this filter to sort emails from the family, bank statements (gag), and my general correspondence with famous celebrities so that I can keep it all straight. Really though, DO IT.
  6. Last week I made a gmail filter that sorts ALL emails related to my applications (key words are the names of the schools) into a special inbox... Once I see the (1) in that inbox I may or may not have a brain aneurysm. Just a small one.
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