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Everything posted by skeedy

  1. Touché, it's only appropriate to use Professor or Dr. and to never use Mr./Ms (although I am curious about those who would see it as purposeful disrespect, I would think it blatant ignorance- and perhaps an obvious sign that the email-er has not done his/her research.) To be honest i was reflecting how I have followed up with employment interviews, hence my mistake. Thanks for catching that : P
  2. Thanks for that - I applied to the 2 year Pittsburgh program and IF I get in I was worried I'd regret not doing the DC track... But if I'm not mistaken, there is a way to transfer over to the DC track, right?
  3. My bad. Mine seemed to go missing as well.
  4. I'm going to be honest - I always use "Mr." or "Mrs./Ms." when emailing a person of "authority" (boss/professor/future professor/connection) who I've been introduced to on a first name basis. It leaves room for THEM to correct me using their first name in their replies. This actually stems from an awkward personal experience - a former professor of mine was first a friend before I signed up for his class (we literally greeted each other by first names around campus) but when I addressed him by first name in an email, he VERY quickly corrected me. Some people are just more formal when it comes to official email correspondence. It's up to you to weigh the cons of either one, but it won't hurt to use the last names initially and allow yourself to be corrected. Just my two cents
  5. Absolutely. Treat it like a job interview. You want to thank them because: 1) you genuinely mean it - they are busy, their time is valuable, and their presence I'm sure was INvaluable 2) if they remember you a little more, no harm - right? Either way, good manners = good karma, plain and simple. 3) if these ARE professors that you will be (hopefully) working with in the near future, might as well start your respectful relationships NOW The ONLY way this would be "inappropriate" would be if you said anything along the lines of "thanks so much, and I hope you consider me a strong candidate for your school." Don't lead them astray by mixing up gratitude with concern about your chance at acceptance - this is just you being courteous, plain and simple
  6. That's talent right there
  7. Ditto - absolutely appreciate the advice but I'm curious about how to phrase it where you are respectful to the program but not presumptuous (aka telling the program that it is good, as socialpsych put it.) Or is "short and sweet" the best way to go, period?
  8. "He doesn't have bad dreams about adcom rejections, adcoms have bad dreams about HIM"
  9. True, great point. I also appreciate the suggestions to talk to current graduate students because they might have a clearer idea (vs students UW-M might be trying to recruit, aka paint a better picture for.) I think honesty IS the best policy, qbtacoma - and hopefully, the programs are honest as well about the state of their ability to provide funding.
  10. I've been stressing about this and am SO glad there's a thread. I will have my tuition covered for my first year of my Master's but I'm concerned about this talk to split UW-M from the rest of the University of Wisconsin system... I've read that this would be more costly for UW-M and would impact tuition. I can't afford (literally) to take chances if there won't be funding available my second year. More here: http://www.twincities.com/education/ci_17418549?source=rss&nclick_check=1
  11. Thank you Realist. I don't envy the admissions committee - what tough decisions they have to make. The time and energy you put into your posting is MUCH appreciated.
  12. (For those dealing with the physical pain of waiting...) "Nature, time and patience are the three best physicians. The fourth best? Whiskey."
  13. I feel you. My focus is educational policy/studying the limitation of resources to accessing higher education... Do I get extra points for actually living it?
  14. Well, dang. I dropped the ball on applying there! That IS amazing.
  15. It looks like 2shieh was accepted to U Mich's MS Sustainable Systems program... So we are still waiting for the MPA/MPP decisions! (and yes - congrats!)
  16. This. Because they can!
  17. Oh good! Tell them to hurry up, already!
  18. Jaxzwolf FTW. Although, I think adding an adverb would have really sold me.
  19. The wait for decisions is rough enough. My all-consuming stress-fest about funding is causing involuntary twitching.. And I'm sure I'm getting a perma-stink eye from glaring at my mailbox, willing it to spontaneously fill with letters about funding awards. This is irreversible damage going on right here! Even if I am accepted to my POI's, if I don't get any fellowships/awards then there's no chance of me going there. No funding = no hope. I hate that "getting accepted" is just step one. Anyone else in the same boat?
  20. OOOOH. Stan and Spacecat sitting in a tree...
  21. Agreed. GW isn't the only school to match Ed awards - UW-Madison, U Penn, U Mich, and Carnegie Mellon all promise to offer at least $5,000 to Americorps alumni (U Penn's Fels Institute of Government offers up to $5,000 a semester.) But I have no idea how this money is allocated/what do they do if they can't accommodate everyone? It seems to good to be true...
  22. This. Even rejections would be tolerable. How can you get mad at a 13 year old for denying you admission? Although it might bring back some bad middle school flashbacks...
  23. Hahaha. Thank you - I just PMed you with a longer message. I applied to George Washington, Cal (Berkeley), U Mich, U Penn, Carnegie Mellon. I've only got an unofficial acceptance back from George Washington so I'm biting my nails wondering if the REAL letter will come... Or if I will get any money. Le sigh. What about you?
  24. That was me... It looks like there are more full/partial funding offers though (I did a little Googling). They sent my financial package in an email attachment, so maybe your $$ award will come soon! What are your thoughts on La Follette?
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