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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. What I want to know is... how the hell is it only Feb 4th? This has been the longest four days ever... HURRY UP SCHOOLS

    1. Langoustine


      My sentiments exactly. Next week will be even slower I fear...

  2. MY EXACT FEAR!!! I have been thinking a lot about what I would do if---ugh, if I do not get in anywhere. I only got as far as: cry and scream.
  3. If you have not heard from them it does not mean you have been rejected. I know I have been rejected because of a personal email from my advisor at Columbia.
  4. Not sure if they made all the calls. I know I was rejected because my advisor personally emailed me.
  5. Columbia
  6. Ugh. I got rejected from my dream school today... and I took a job that I hated because we needed the money... its a bad day.
  7. fruit basket
  8. belt loop
  9. wild cats
  10. Good pep talk.
  11. @achapiro: I am in your situation. However, I have not heard any news from any of my schools. I am constantly clicking refresh on my inbox (even though it does it automatically), staring at the result search on this website, and whining about my fears of failure to anyone who comes my way. I cannot offer any advice on how to cope with the anticipation. Just here to commiserate.
  12. That was the same thing I thought this morning: It's February. Definitely feeling some nausea from: anxiety, anticipation, self-deprecation, and a whole can of ready-made ravioli.
  13. I think it is a bit early... I would give it, at the earliest, a week into February. The first time I applied I would check my status by calling the department. They usually do not mind.
  14. Well, the numbers alone do not look great. HOWEVER, perhaps you have an amazing SoP, methodologically sound/well written writing sample, and very supportive letters of recommendation---all of those items will make a difference. I am not sure what the rest of your story is, so it is hard to say. If you have a clear research goal and communicate this through your statement, then perhaps there is a chance. At this point, without knowing your entire situation, I would say, try increasing your GRE score, write an incredible statement, and edit your best academic sample for the fall 2012 applications. Best of luck!
  15. Whew. Well, that comforts me a bit. Thanks!
  16. Oh no, the two members that reported are from the program I am interested in.
  17. Okay, I know I am being obsessive... it is nearing February---who isn't? I was going through the "result search" and noticed that one of my schools had emailed two gradcafe members for an interview to discuss their academic plans. I did not get the email. Could it be that I did not get in? Can I write this off as a rejection? I know it sounds really extreme, but in debates with myself, I keep concluding that this is a bad sign. HELP! How should I take this? Will a school not interview all their accepted applicants? This was my safety school...
  18. Holy fart nuggets. I did not get into my safety (or so i gathered from "result search). AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What is to become of me?!?!?!?!?! I need a plan B.
  19. Accepted: Singing telegram by a bar tender named Smitty who has my champagne and confetti ready. Rejected: Delivered to me by a person in a more miserable situation, so I can appreciate what I do have. Wait-list: No. I cannot handle extra anticipation and false hope. Just don't tell me.
  20. This is my second time applying, but first time taking it seriously. I applied in 2008 for Fall 2009. At that time I was sitting on a 3.27 cumulative GPA, 1210 GRE, an okay writing sample, and a shitty SoP (unfortunately, I was unaware that it was shitty because I asked for feedback from extremely supportive people). My letter of recommendations were good, but the rest of me was a mess. Flash forward... I did not get into a PhD program at that time, for obvious reasons. However, I was admitted into an MA program, which I decided would be a good career move. One cannot become a better candidate by resubmitting the same garbage year after year. The MA program opened me up to research experiences and helped me figure out what sub-field I wanted to do research in. After I graduated, I worked as an RA, wrote a new SoP that had direction, and studied for the GRE. In orther words, I busted my ass. Now, with a new writing sample, even better letters, better SoP, and better GRE... I am applying again. If I don't get in this year... I know this is the best I can do as an applicant and so will stop chasing this dream. I might go into market research... maybe put in another application next year--maybe. Heres to hoping you get in the first round ;D
  21. From a friend in the program, who heard it from a professor. For international, I am not sure... BUT you can always call in yourself and ask. I would wait until the end of the week.
  22. word on the street: Columbia is making the acceptance calls next week. The source is very reliable. AHHHHHHHHHHH panic mode.
  23. If I get into one of my top three's, I will go to a bar, put on my best Oprah impersonation and give away shots. Confetti will be thrown. Lavish celebration! People will chant my name! I will take my shirt off like Mia Hamm! If I do not get into one of my top three's but by the grace of god got in SOMEWHERE, I will have a tasteful dinner party to celebrate with friends.
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