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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. What not to say based on my mom's efforts at consoling my grad school-related stress: "Well, if you get rejected everywhere else you can get a real job! And make money!" "You don't have to go to school... you should get a job on Wall Street and find a banker to marry." "Maybe you should just pick a different career and become a pharmacist like Susan's nephew who now makes six digits.... SIX! He just stands there at Rite-Aide."
  2. The usual routine, which occurs about 20 plus times a day: check email. refresh screen immediately. check result search on grad cafe. check email again.
  3. dinosaur fossil
  4. My agent called today. I am failure times 21 rejections. Time to write a second book. I cannot believe literary fiction has taken a backseat to chick-lit and vampires. What the flip is wrong with Americans? I can't believe Snookie got published and I got shelved.

  5. Certainly a great feature.
  6. This year, I am making V-Day flippin' magical for my significant other. Really, this man is so special. He makes my lunch in the morning before work and leaves me notes in my dinosaur lunch box. He has been so tolerant of my crazy for the past six months, especially that one week when I went on L-theanine for my stress, which only induced further stress, causing me to leave psychotic messages on his voicemail box with stuff like: "What if this had been an emergency? What if my arm had just been blown up and I had to go to the hospital right now... you would have missed this call and I would have bled to death! You are a monster. Why are you not picking up the phone? Come home. I'm hungry." So, I owe him something real special, that is why two weeks ago I went on snapfish and ordered him a coffee mug with my face on it and a hologram bookmark of my angry faces. I will post pictures of these things on my blog after V-day... they are awesome. The mug has two images of my head fused together by MS-paint so it looks like I am a pair of conjoined twins and underneath it reads: "I could not love you more even if I were a pair of conjoined twins with two hearts". Apparently, people don't call them siamese twins anymore... its like how you can't call midgets 'midgets' anymore. Siamese-s are cats.
  7. I think that if you are really that set on being in school, then sure, go ahead and throw out a few MA applications (but not to the same schools that you applied to phd programs). However, ask yourself a few questions (1) am I willing to pay thousands and thousands to settle for an MA? (2) if a PhD is my academic goal, then will this MA help me get there? (3) what are my chances of getting into the schools I most recently applied to? (4) can I apply again to other phd programs next year with a good chance of getting in? Personally, my profile after my undergraduates was so crappy that I did an MA in order to become a better and more prepared applicant this year. Good luck!
  8. Nostimost: Lets hope your husband gets into his program, but in horrible case of rejection... I think from being a failure at many things, the schmaltzy stuff and over hugging is not exactly the best move. I suggest: one long hug. After, you immediately push your SO from denial to anger, say "they are mad crazy balls for not letting you in, those fucking bastards!" Then you go out and buy a six pack of beer and rent Charles in Charge season 5 (because they have all these test spin-off pilots interspersed with normal Charles in Charge episodes, it is freakin crazy... there is one spin-off idea that I thought was really good, but it never got picked up as its own show after Charles in Charge ended... well, you will see. It's the one in which Charles' mom works at an auto-garage---that is some funny stuff). Okay, so after all this and some sleep he will feel better. Good luck to your husband!
  9. I used to be a music snob and say stuff like, "oh, yeah, I saw him in concert in Echo Park years ago... before he became famous and whatever" But today, I like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and that one Justin Beiber song, "baby". I only listen to the songs that are famous and are played over and over again in Forever 21 and sandwich shops. Teenager/Indie me would have put out a cigarette in current me's eye.
  10. cat lady
  11. 24 with some quarter-life crisis issues.
  12. So I started a new job... I have to wake up at 6:30 every morning. I can't believe so many people do this... have jobs. It freakin' sucks. I eat lunch in a "teacher's lounge" furnished with toddler-sized furniture. While my supervisors are educated, a few of my co-workers might be dumb as rocks. Evidence: Today, the girl with brown hair who brought her "meat puff" culinary creation asked: "Why is it that some people you search on google their name comes up and sometimes you search someone and their name doesn't come up? Like sometimes you click image and you see their picture and sometimes you don't." What is that supposed to mean?! Eventually I figured out that this was an optimization question. I am not incredibly happy, but it will do until school starts. Pro: I get all the Jewish holidays off!
  13. Nope. No need to reiterate your interest in the program. I am sure that came across in the first interview and your application. All there is to do now is to wait.
  14. dance machine
  15. energy drink
  16. water polo
  17. secret ingredient
  18. water gun
  19. justice league
  20. Oh my god... this is an available feature? How can I get my email to make a noise when new mail comes in? I know... it will contribute to the insanity, but how, how can I get this?
    1. jaxzwolf


      Congrats! Your MS paint pictures MAKE your blog. Srsly.

    2. wanderlust07


      \o/ Congrats! These posts always make me smile.

  21. Also waitlisted in Indiana... is it appropriate to ask them if there is an order to the list, and if so, where am I in this wait?
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