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About Irishlibra

  • Birthday 09/30/1983

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  • Program
    MA English (Rhet/Comp)

Irishlibra's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Any word from Dr. Ray about when MA applicants will be notified?
  2. I finally just started putting people into two categories when they wanted to talk about the grad school application process...ignorant and informed. I know ignore all of the annoying comments from the ignorant group and seek solace from the informed. As a side note, can I just vent about how incredibly frustrating it is to work in a place where all of my co-workers have received their MBAs through online/distance programs that ANYONE can get into while thinking that my programs are the same way. They also believe that our degrees will be comparable and that I'm insane for even considering quitting my job to go to grad school. FML.
  3. I will be having surgery on my broken wrist on V-day which will culminate with a drug-induced stupor where I pray no schools will call me for fear of saying something stupid or wildly inappropriate. It might be a good day to just turn my phone off. Being single, I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day anyway.
  4. Waiting is hard! To make it worse I broke my wrist on Saturday so I'm stuck at home with nothing to do but take pain killers, eat, sleep, read, watch TV, and obsess over grad school. To make it worse, I just found out I'm going to need surgery on my wrist next week which will keep me laid up for a while. Oh well, c'est la vie! Now if i could just figure out how to scratch an itch below my cast then life would be so much brighter...
  5. I thought I was being unproductive...until I broke my wrist a few days ago. Now I have absolutely nothing to distract me from the physical pain from my wrist and the emotional agony of waiting. Bring on the painkillers!
  6. I know EXACTLY what I plan on doing if I get accepted to grad school! 1. Quit my job in mid-June 2. Pack/store stuff 3. Backpack Europe for a few weeks with my brother 4. Spend a couple of weeks relaxing at my parents house in sunny Florida 5. Spend last couple of weeks moving and getting settled Wish I could have more time between quitting my job and starting school, but I have to work to pay for my European adventure! It's so fun to dream about such happy things. Cheers!
  7. - Don't worry, I heard McDonald's is hiring. - Well, there's always next year
  8. I feel exactly the same way! It's so hard to work when I'm always wondering. I guess I'm going to have to figure out a way to cope with the anxiety seeing as it's not just going to go away tomorrow. Let me know if you come up with any brilliant ideas!
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