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Everything posted by amandacarol1215

  1. I think I found the perfect place to live next year and it has made me even more excited to move!

  2. Thank you! Best of luck to you as well!
  3. I'm starting a PhD program in School Psychology--very excited! The town is small and I've had a hard time finding housing so far online. Looks like I'll be making the long drive sometime this summer to check out potential housing as well, although I'll be doing it alone.
  4. Are you going to Starkville? I don't have any advice or experience (with the exception of my 3 day trip for my interview) but I'll be moving there in August!
  5. Is anyone else here going to MSU? I'm starting in August and I'm so excited!
  6. I can completely relate to the back problems. I have a chronic pain condition and it affects my back. I have a problem sitting for a long time, and I have handled this by just letting any instructors know that I may have a hard time sitting for a long time (over an hour). It is not uncommon to see me standing at the back of the classroom. It was something that I wrote about in my personal statement as it has truly affected my education and I have had countless surgeries to try and work with my pain. Additionally, I am in treatment that involves having surgery 3-4 times per year to reduce pain. I'm more concerned about finding a doctor that is familiar with my chronic pain condition than how my cohort views me....
  7. 1) Graduate May 8th! 2) Clean out my apartment, donating and selling as much as I can 3) Move in with the family I nanny for over summer 4) Pay off credit card debt, and save money 5) Work at Camp Quality Ohio one more time 6) Figure out where I'm living come August 7) Fully enjoy my kindle 8) Move!
  8. I know, I absolutely loved my visit to MSU and the campus truly is beautiful. I knew it was the place for me and can't wait to move down there! Where are you coming from?

    As far as research interests I'm focusing on early childhood assessment and intervention and have interest in learning problems as well. What about you?

  9. Ok, so here is the situation. I interviewed for a PhD position at my top choice school and received an acceptance for the Educational Specialist program, while being put on the wait list for the PhD program. I have contacted the Department chair twice and as of last week the committee was meeting on Tuesday (yesterday) to discuss all of the wait listed applicants and he would get back to us shortly. So right now, I'm sitting on my EdS offer and hoping for the PhD offer. When do you think I should hear back from them? And how? April 15th is FRIDAY and I don't want to miss out on anything. What would you all do?
  10. I'm so happy I'm not the only person that is driven up a wall when people spell it rediculous. It makes me want to cry. Every single time.
  11. I'm 99% sure I will be at Mississippi State University in the Fall! What can you tell me about the area and places to live?
  12. I'm not going to be stuck as a nanny next year! I officially have an offer!

  13. record player
  14. Here is to hoping that tomorrow as a mail day is a good mail day for us all!
  15. Will there be a letter in my mailbox tomorrow? Please?

  16. My poor mail lady. I sit at home and watch out the door for the mail truck to pull up, and then run downstairs and wait for her to put everything in the mail boxes. Yes, she watches me and I'm sure she thinks I'm pathetic, but at least I'm not alone!
  17. Time to be productive. This week involves entirely too many deadlines for my liking...

  18. hypothetical question
  19. And this is why I dislike you All I want to do is curl up in a ball in bed with mindless television and a pint of ben & jerrys
  20. Jar of Hearts
  21. Chocolate, carbs and alcohol
  22. chocolate pudding
  23. "I guess that's just not where you were supposed to end up" Really? Thanks for the encouragement...
  24. Blue Moon
  25. It's true. I heard the voice in my head. How did you know?!
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