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Everything posted by doobiebrothers

  1. columbia, harvard, and georgetown are all coming out the last week of february, so next week is a dead week for me unless Penn comes out. And thanks, its ok! I'm sitting on a funded Cambridge acceptance, I'm just being a whiny baby who wants ALL the shiny toys. I'm ashamed at the bad aspects of my character that this application cycle is bringing out! I am glad of the rejection in a way. It reminds me that I will end up in the best place for me, and that no matter what, my friends and family will be by my side.
  2. it's bizarre how much worse a rejection feels after an on campus interview. they fly you out, meet you for three days, and then decide they don't want you. very, very, very hard not to take personally. Because it is personal. ouch. Hope the rest of the month brings better things!
  3. hey! I applied for phd in divinity at cambridge. I got in, but I'm also waiting on funding. fingers crossed!
  4. has anyone had the experience of not having thank-you letters answered? I interviewed at Emory last weekend and I'm assuming I didn't get the spot which is what it is. But I sent thank-you emails to faculty and staff after the interview and got no response. What's going on here? This just seems rude!
  5. I only applied to UPenn Nelc, and I have some activity on my academia.edu from them. I think this means apps are under consideration
  6. yea heard that it would be wednesday with 100% certainty for icivs and wusar, and yet nothing is up! maybe there is hope?
  7. anyone hear anything from emory? I know two people heard yesterday, but the rest were supposed to come out today, and so far nothing.
  8. first rejection. kill me now.

    1. merivo


      cheer up! princeton? i've got that too.

    2. gk210


      keep your head up! there's bound to be at least one in there!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      At least yours probably didn't say "we hope you are able to complete an education at another institution" like my rejection did. Harsh. Lol

  9. emory icivs has been notified (at least the accepted candidates)
  10. yea I know what you mean! Emory is hopping--and they like to throw money at their graduate students. It feels like a place where you could get a lot done!
  11. liquid congrats on the emory and columbia interviews! I'm in exactly the same boat! Emory is for icivs/wsuar track through MESAS. My guess is though that if you interviewed in any subfield and are successful, you'll find out this week. Columbia should be doing their final meeting next week. My POI told me after the interview that I was his top pick, but that departmental politics are going to be in play this coming week. Good luck to you! Let me know how it plays out!
  12. anyone hear anything from UPenn NELC or Uchicago divinity?
  13. successful applicants will find out wednesday (told to me by a current grad student in the program)
  14. thanks! it's been very eye opening, for sure!
  15. I actually cried when I read http://asiasociety.org/jew-arab-interview-gil-anidjar. We talked about it all day yesterday. He's even better in person. But like I said--very sharp, very sarcastic, very intimidating. My advice is that if you do get it, don't let him scare you--he will try!
  16. I'm applying to work in comparative religion with Anidjar as my advisor. Have you met him? He's crazy intimidating! Brilliant. But scary. on a happy note, it's february! by the end of this month we will all know our futures! I've been waiting my whole life for this month, it feels like.
  17. Agreed! First of all the Jewish studies courses (at least those offered this year) are off the charts, and include great stuff like judeo arabic and even judeo-persian! second of all they are actively trying to build their islamic studies strength, and Haider/Anidjar/Ivanyi/Ewing are wonderful, wonderful scholars and people. I went into the interview very skeptical, but I left re-arranging my school choices a bit. Who did you apply to work with? Anidjar?
  18. went to Columbia today for the religion department interview; they're very strong! great up and coming Islamic studies program. If anyone here has applied already, or is interested in applying for next year, PM me
  19. I'm think they're different departments all together, so totally different candidates and funding processes. But this is just my guess
  20. Cambridge divinity applicants: the funding meeting is this morning. Good luck!
  21. On that note, anyone who applied to Harvard for Religion: apps of the top applicants have been under review since last week, and there has been at least one committee meeting that I know of. Source: I have a friend who works in admissions there
  22. I would say (for tier 1 top ten) 3.7 will not get blinked at. Up from there and you're impressive, lower than that and the committee takes notice. But that's not a kiss of death, as long as you do a good job explaining the grades, and as long as there is an upward trend.
  23. my sense (after a stint on an adcom) that one B will not even be blinked at. Literally, the reviewer is looking at your transcripts for trends. We see one B in a sea of A's? We just pass by it.
  24. once again congrats jujubea on the acceptance!
  25. Aubstopper, totally valid point. I was in the honors college at UCLA so I felt a bit isolated from there, plus I was an older student who did alot of independant coursework with instructors. I basically felt like a graduate student as an undergrad (the age difference helped). Then getting to UCSB for the campus visit was a bit disconcerting. On the other hand, my best friend is at UCLA right now and he tells me the same thing--unmotivated, entitled, oblivious students. Eek. I hope my undergrads aren't like that when I start to teach!
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