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Everything posted by Radian

  1. John Weaver is not doing research any more. He is just teaching.
  2. Yes. I haven't seen a waitlisted thing for berkeley. The fact is, they usually offer more than their available seats. and in worst case scenario if all decide to attend, they have so many tools like the qualifying to get rid of their unwanted students.
  3. You can contact the department for TA. for RA you should concentrate on contacting faculty members. As a master it's sort of hard to secure funding for the first semester. I was in the same boat as you. I could secure funding as RA from second semester though.
  4. Dude, there are so many already open and active topics with the same title. The first stage of becoming a grad student is to have search abilities. Please search the forum before opening a new topic. You won't be a successful grad student before gaining this ability. Your professor will also want you to have this ability. good luck.
  5. Okay folks, I hereby officially give up ... I treat myself to a Johnnie Walker Red Label. I have wasted enough time on this absurd thing. I will try to concentrate on my plan B -staying where I am for my PhD- and try to look on the bright side which is getting my PhD in 3 years and the joy of being in AZ.
  6. referring to the result section there is no such a thing as waitlist for berkeley I suppose. just move on it's a rejection.
  7. The rejection emails are mostly generic one that even don't contain applicant's name on them. So they will not be really helpful in letting you know the problem. and most of the time there is no problem ! too many applicants, limited seats, blah blah blah ... and about the part why they don't send the rejections in the first place, I agree that that's foolish ! especially for a school which sends 99% of offers in one place !
  8. Of course it's over. It was over last week on 9th. They send 99% of their offers on 7th and 8th Those who didn't receive admission will receive the rejection letter in March.
  9. Yeah I do totally understand how you feel. But thinking about it from a logical point of view it not only doesn't hurt but also cause a mental relief. one really can't move on or make other plans as long as he/she is carrying that false hope. It resembles a painkiller which only suppress the pain without curing the cause.
  10. Are you proposing that the call was a reason for rejection ? :-/ I think you were already rejected, and your call just expedited the process of you finding out. And that's why I really appreciate "asking them" instead of carrying that false hope along the road.
  11. ok some positive energy : The walking dead coming this Sunday ...
  12. I smell rejection all over my applications
  13. It depends why you use it. As I mentioned in the other thread, USNEWS is the most referenced source and society usually looks upon it rather that other unknown sources which are barely even websites ! It is not a true indicative of academic standing of a institute, though that's how other people like employers see your institute compared to other schools. Regarding your question, it's my personal belief that top-5 schools doesn't really differ that much.
  14. That's true for Berkeley.
  15. Who wants to go to canada anyway ... relaxxxx
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Yes I do agree that for some majors USNEWS doesn't provide much of a data. Though for the common ones that pretty suffice. In terms of masters and phd, as far as I am concerned there is not much difference between the programs and I myself don't see any meaning in seperating them in US educational system except for schools where professional degrees are offered. But the most importnat point that you are missing here is that USNEWS is not just designed for you and me as students. What makes USNEWS useful is that fact that it's being referred by employers and even school heads. It's the MEDIA thing. even if wrong or whatsoever you'd better stick with the ranking which is better accepted through society.
  18. One more Monday ... Com'onnnn dream schooooooool
  19. Cut the pain and use USNEWS.
  20. I saw a MIT admission with gpa of ~3.5 are my eyes working fine ???
  21. There is nothing wrong with calling ! You have PAID THEM IN CASH ! it's the least to expect them to answer a simple phone call which lasts 10 seconds or so. Ok 1000 people call ? FUNNY ! look at it this way 1000 x 100$ .
  22. One week passed ... Just hanging in there
  23. my POI also told me so and he didn't mention anything about not being on admission committee or anything like that. He told me that he will put me on RA from second semester and will ask department for TA for first semester . Though, considering the fact that the school is a TOP 3 in my field, well you can seen I haven't posted it as an admission bellow . I try not to count on it, not because I am negative or anything, but because if anything goes wrong, this false hope will hurt me more than an ordinary rejection. So always plan for the worst just to stay healthy
  24. Exactly ! If one day (like today) I decide to stay home instead of going to my office, I would end up refreshing refreshing, status page, email, result section, forum, past forum, google searching and the list goes on ! I called one of my schools today just to ask "hey according to the previous years you should start sending out your offers " when I was told Feb 15 would be the date and I was like "What the F?! I cant stand this one more day"
  25. They ivy thing would absolutely have no effect on you as a graduate student in graduate school. It's an undergraduate thing.
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